Turnover: EUR (2017)

Country: France

Attractive World is a dating site launched in France in 2007, with over 2 million subscribers since its inception.

The site is based on a principle of demanding profiles, which are reviewed by the company and validated (serious, rather "high-level" profiles).

The company regularly organizes events for its members (around 30% of applications sent), such as exhibitions, after-works, weekends...

In 2016, the company was acquired by Affinitas, the German company that owns the Elite Rencontre platform, which recently entered the French market.

Financial Data

DUNS: 495405789

Legal Name: SAMADHI

Address: 38 RUE SERVAN , 75011 PARIS 11

Number of employees: 0 salarié ()

Capital: 124 301 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016
Turnover 772 283 2 586 578 4 912 918 6 681 600
Gross margin (€) 797 082 2 609 299 4 914 339 6 696 708
EBITDA (€) -2 478 843 214 1 256 133 699 807
Operating profit (€) 13 743 864 435 1 202 110 688 624
Net profit (€) -274 642 927 074 1 266 791 -188 452
Turnover growth rate (%) -70,1 -47,4 -26,5 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -0,3 32,6 25,6 10,5
Operating margin rate (%) 1,8 33,4 24,5 10,3
Working Capital (turnover days) 794,5 276,4 64 -90,5
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) -80,2 -27,5 -39,3 -33,3
Net margin (%) -35,6 35,8 25,8 -2,8
Added value / Turnover (%) 8,7 34 35,2 29,4
Wages and social charges (€) -2 946 24 068 436 354 1 217 878
Salaries / Turnover (%) -0,4 0,9 8,9 18,2

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président Gitte Bendzulla 47
Directeur général Kirill Priyatel 36

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