Turnover: ()

Country: France

  • Astoria Finance was founded in 2002 by Antoine Latrive, and since then has gone from strength to strength, with the creation of offices in Lille, Macon, Chambéry, Rueil-Malmaison, Marseille, Boulogne-Billancourt, in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and in the South-West, bringing the total number of branches in France to 21.
  • Astoria has almost 100 employees and looks after 80,000 customers, both private individuals and professionals.
  • The company offers its customers solutions for optimizing their tax situation, growing and passing on their assets, realizing their real estate projects, supplementing their income and preparing for retirement.


december 1, 2020 - Completion of the acquisition of Boutiques de l'Épargne and Épargne et Finance - source(L'Agefi Actifs)

  • The acquired companies together had 28,000 customers
  • Astoria Group now has assets under management of 6.6 billion euros

Chairman: Antoine Latrive(profile)

Managing Director: Malcolm Vincent (profile)

Financial Data

DUNS: 444275671


Address: 5 RUE DE MONTTESSUY 5-7, 75007 PARIS 7

Number of employees: Entre 50 et 99 salariés (2020)

Capital: 141 470 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 29 116 059 16 494 562 13 269 133 8 720 037 4 621 007 4 334 416 4 508 806
Gross margin (€) 29 244 742 16 523 051 13 367 465 8 727 976 4 635 304 4 353 510 4 508 462
EBITDA (€) 14 186 202 6 691 216 5 142 513 2 662 086 1 172 101 1 295 382 1 612 469
Operating profit (€) 13 962 411 6 560 427 5 009 300 2 560 627 1 089 147 1 202 266 1 515 131
Net profit (€) 9 740 202 6 234 051 2 840 382 1 300 755 279 861 525 320 583 375
Turnover growth rate (%) 76,5 24,3 52,2 88,7 6,6 -3,8 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 48,7 40,6 38,8 30,5 25,4 29,9 35,8
Operating margin rate (%) 48 39,8 37,8 29,4 23,6 27,7 33,6
Working Capital (turnover days) 25,5 8,5 16,3 249,2 -2 -8 -3,9
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 32,5 31,6 -6 -3,2 -48,2 -27,3 -7,7
Net margin (%) 33,5 37,8 21,4 14,9 6,1 12,1 12,9
Added value / Turnover (%) 85,7 82,3 79 75,6 68,4 73,8 68,3
Wages and social charges (€) 9 163 815 5 742 612 4 471 348 3 223 628 1 624 938 1 558 473 1 223 986
Salaries / Turnover (%) 31,5 34,8 33,7 37 35,2 36 27,2

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président Malcolm Vincent 40

Studies mentioning this company

The wealth management market - France

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