
The global truffle market, valued at around $300 million, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19% in 2023, with a forecast increase to $316 million by 2023. Italy leads European production, with 45 tonnes of Tuber melanosporum & brumale, while Spain and France follow with 35 and 10 tonnes respectively. The truffle market is diversified, offering products ranging from fresh truffles to a variety of truffle-based products; prices can vary significantly according to species, size and distribution channel. Tuber magnatum (white truffle) is the most expensive, with costs reaching around 2,000 euros per kilogram for large sizes.

Dynamic trends in truffle demand in Italy

The Italian truffle market displays distinct trends characterized by highly seasonal demand, close links with the catering, processing and tourism sectors, and the influence of international tourism on consumption patterns. Seasonality plays a crucial role in the Italian truffle market, with demand peaking in October and November, following the harvesting calendars of these highly prized mushrooms. This season coincides with a peak in truffle events and fairs, which not only celebrate this delicacy, but also attract thousands of visitors, which can further increase demand. A large proportion of Italian truffles, up to around 75%, are processed in the processing industry. Here, they are transformed into a whole range of truffle-based products aimed at consumers seeking a luxurious taste at a more accessible and convenient price. The foodservice sector, which accounts for the remaining quarter of demand for fresh truffles, often relies on local truffle suppliers, especially if they are located in truffle-growing regions. The fact that Italians are eating out more often has led to a noticeable change in food consumption habits. The proportion of Italians having lunch at home has fallen from around 78% to 72% in twenty years, with out-of-home food consumption now accounting for around 36% of the total value of the food market. In addition, international tourism has had a profound impact on demand for truffles. In recent years, Italian regions such as Umbria, Abruzzo and Piedmont have been visited by increasing numbers of foreign tourists, drawn by the appeal of authentic truffle experiences. These tourists, who make up a considerable percentage of visitors to truffle fairs, contribute to the growing worldwide recognition and demand for Italian truffles.

Leading figures in the Italian truffle industry

The Italian truffle market is a mosaic of tradition and prestige, with key players who stand out not only for their role in truffle cultivation and hunting, but also for their contribution to truffle products and tourism. These players have established themselves as emblems of excellence in a sector that is both ancient and constantly evolving.

  • Urbani Tartufi is a name synonymous with truffles in Italy and beyond. They have a remarkable presence in the truffle sector, with a vast selection of truffle-based products. Urbani Tartufi stands out for its ability to innovate while respecting tradition, as demonstrated by the recent launch of an organic range of truffle products. This move to organic production demonstrates the company's commitment to meeting the demands of modern consumers while maintaining high quality standards.
  • Also worth mentioning is Assotartufai, an association representing Italian truffle hunters, which provides a wealth of knowledge about the different truffle species found in Italy. The association informs the public and its members about the various aspects of truffles, from the unique characteristics of each variety to sustainable practices for hunting and harvesting these precious mushrooms.

The truffle market is also home to a form of experiential tourism, spearheaded by organizations offering guided truffle hunting tours. These experiences take two main forms: simulated searches and real searches. Simulated searches involve hidden truffles to guarantee discovery, while real searches rely on the expertise of professional truffle hunters and their trained dogs. These tours are not only a pleasure for truffle lovers, but also a bridge between the rural tradition of hunting and the contemporary tourist experience.

Finally, local events such as Alba's Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo Bianco attract a global audience and serve as a hub not only for the trade of these culinary gems, but also for the promotion of gastronomic tourism.

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  • Formato : Versione PDF e digitale
  • Ultimo aggiornamento : 24/10/2022
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1 Market summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

Truffle is the name given to particular species of mushrooms that are found in the ground and grow in symbiosis with roots of various plants. A single fungus can give life to different truffles. There are 4 main categories of truffles on the market:

  • Tuber Magnatum Pico (or white truffle of Alba): The tuber magnatum Pico is certainly the most expensive truffle on the market, and it can only be found in Italy and certain regions of Croatia.
  • Tuber Melanosporum Vittadini (or Tartufo Nero pregiato): This truffle is the most known truffle in the world, as it is also the most present in other countries other than Italy, such as France, Spain, Bulgaria, and Croatia.
  • Tuber Uncinatum Chatin (or Tartufo Uncinato)
  • Tuber Aestivum Vittadini (or Summer Truffle, Scorzone): The scorzone is the most collected and most present truffle in Italy.

Truffle harvesting in Italy was responsible for the origin of the first legislation concerning the collection of wild products on the national territory. Since then, the regulatory framework has undergone a series of changes in the hope of preserving the activity and limiting the black sale of the product, but to date the sector still lacks some main guidelines.

The truffle market is highly fragmented in Italy and consists of a multitude of small players who are truffle-hunters, "tartufaia" cultivators, manufacturing companies and distributors. The country continues to lead the rest of Europe in the production and export of truffles, boasting an ancient tradition of harvesting, thanks to the morphological conditions of the territory. Concerning the total national production, the Apennine areas in the center (Marche, Lazio, Umbria, Tuscany) represent 53%, followed by the South with 39% and the North with 8%. In the regional production, Umbria and Abruzzo are the more important producing regions, representing altogether the 53% of the Italian production. 

The demand for truffle is tightly linked to the restaurant, transformation and tourism industry and it is highly seasonal. As a matter of fact, the demand usually peaks in October-November, as it follows the truffle collection calendars. In addition, every year there are an increasing number of fairs and events organized around the truffle world, which leads to talk about a real tourism of truffle, attracting thousands of visitors.

The offer of truffle-based products has significantly expanded in recent years, as consumers can get a taste of truffle in a more convenient format and at a less prohibitive price. Furthemore, many truffle-based products manufacturers have decided to offer a biological line, which doesn't use any artificial or chimical element in the production process, to adapt to the changing customer demand. 


  • Prezzo medio tartufo nero pregiato (Tuber Melanosporum Vittadini)
  • Prezzo medio tartufo bianco pregiato (Tuber Magnatum Pico)
  • Répartition de la demande en truffes
  • Valore della produzione venduta di funghi e tartufi freschi o conservati
  • Récolte de truffe dans les principaux pays producteurs
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Urbani Tartufi investe 8 milioni di euro per ampliare uno stabilimento dedicato al tartufo - 22/12/2023
  • Anno di fondazione di Urbani Tartufi: 1852.
  • Localizzazione principale: Scheggino (Perugia).
  • Ampliamento previsto: Raddoppio della superficie aziendale con aggiunta di 8000 metri quadrati, per un totale di 16000 metri quadrati.
  • Investimento per l'ampliamento: Circa 8 milioni di euro.
  • Mercati esteri principali
    • Presenza negli USA: Urbani Truffles USA con 60 dipendenti e sedi a New York, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, Las Vegas e San Francisco. 
    • Espansione in Asia: Progetto di apertura di filiali a Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore e Bangkok entro un anno.
  • Ricavi complessivi nel 2022: 85 milioni di euro, con una crescita del 18%.
  • Obiettivo di fatturato per il 2025: Superare i 100 milioni di euro.
  • Obiettivo di produzione di tartufi per l'anno corrente: 300 tonnellate.
  • Linea eco-friendly introdotta: "Filosofia Naturale" con otto prodotti in packaging riciclabile. 
  • Truffleland: Società dedicata alla coltivazione di alberi da tartufo, con un volume di oltre 150mila alberi all'anno.
  • Museo del Tartufo Urbani: Fondato nel 2012 e dedicato al fondatore Paolo Urbani, situato a Scheggino.
  • Accademia del Tartufo Urbani: Luogo di formazione per chef ed esperti in gastronomia da tutto il mondo.
Sabatino tartufi, a Montecastrilli azienda leader del settore attiva in 60 paesi. - 24/07/2023
  1. Qualità e Riconoscimenti Internazionali: I tartufi italiani sono considerati tra i migliori del mondo, con una qualità così elevata da attrarre ammiratori di alto profilo come Oprah Winfrey, Billy Joel, Martha Stewart e George Clooney. 
  2. Aziende di Spicco nel Settore: Sabatino Tartufi, con sede a Montecastrilli, è una delle principali aziende nel mondo dello Speciality Food e leader nella commercializzazione e nella trasformazione di tartufo, con una presenza in oltre 60 Paesi. 
  3. Quantità di Raccoglitori Attivi: In Italia, ci sono oltre 70.000 raccoglitori di tartufo, denominati "tartufai" o "cavatori", abilitati dalle regioni, province, comunità montane e comuni. 
  4. Impatto Economico e Geografico: Il giro d'affari legato ai tartufi in Italia si attesta attorno al mezzo miliardo di euro, coinvolgendo diverse regioni da nord a sud del Paese, inclusi Piemonte, Umbria, Marche, Toscana e Sardegna. 

Aziende citate in questo studio

Questo studio contiene un panorama completo di società di mercato con le ultime cifre e le notizie di ogni azienda :

Urbani Tartufi
Tartufi & Delizie
Appennino Food Group
Sabatino Tartufi
Sulpizio Tartufi

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the truffle market | Italy

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