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  • Ultimo aggiornamento : 15/03/2022
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Sportswear is a category of apparel that initially covers clothing dedicated to individual or group sports practice and designed with features that enhance athletes' performance and provide comfort and technicality.

Increased awareness of a healthy lifestyle and the growing popularity of major sporting events are driving the growth of the market. However, over the past two decades, the use of these garments has increased and is no longer exclusively dedicated to sports activities.

The global sportswear market is very dynamic, with an estimated compound annual growth rate of 10.4% between 2019 and 2025. Although the U.S. dominates the sportswear market, notably due to the presence of key manufacturers such as Nike and Adidas, Asia-Pacific is expected to register the highest CAGR (11%) between 2019 and 2025, due to improved living standards, low manufacturing costs, and rising income levels in this region.

The Italian sportswear market revenue decreased by 16% in 2020. However, forecasts indicate a CAGR of 4% through 2025. Nike and Adidas dominate the market. These two brands are also ubiquitous in the world of Italian soccer, a key element for brand image. 

The Covid 19 pandemic has strongly affected the sportswear market in Italy. Italian consumers preferred to remain cautious and prioritize products considered essential. On the other hand, the sportswear segment withstood the crisis better than the fashion industry, with a smaller decline in sales than the overall sector's performance. In addition, the e-commerce channel has grown during the crisis, and confinements and the rise of smart working have led to a growing interest in sportswear.

1.2 Global Market Analysis

The global sportswear market was valued at USD ***.** billion in ****, and it is expected to reach an amount of USD ***.** billion in ****, growing at a CAGR of **.*%. The graph below shows the increasing trend that the global market for sportswear is forecasted to witness during the period from **** to ****. 

Sportswear Market ...

1.3 The Italian Market

The Italian market for sportswear was valued at **.* million Euros in ****. The graph below shows the incredible upsurging trend witnessed by the market: in the period from **** to ****, the production value of the Italian sportswear market increased by almost ***%.

Sportswear Market - Production Value Italy, ****-****, in Million Euro. Source: ****

Thereafter, ...

1.4 Import and Export Analysis

In order to analyse the volumes of importation and exportation for the market under analysis, it is necessary to refer to HS Code **** - Track Suits, Swimwear, and Other Garments. The graph below shows a comparison between importation and exportations, as well as the trend experienced by the coverage rate, calculated ...

1.5 Covid-19 Impact

The effects of Covid-** on the sportswear market in Italy played an impact even on the most important players of the sector. Due to the first lockdown, the estimated year-end losses of Italian sports industry companies (***). Naturally, companies working in the sector made large investments to find a solution to the ...

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 Demand Overview

Considering the demand of sportswear in Italy, it is worth analysing the quantity of goods produced and sold in the country. The following graph shows the trend that such a demand has witnessed in the last * years.

Sportswear Market - Production Value Italy, ****-****, in Million Units. Source: ****

From the graph ...

2.2 Demand Drivers

Dealing with the demand drivers related to the sportswear market, it is of first importance to consider how many people do sports in their free time. According to a research paper released by Istat in ****, there are an estimated ** million people aged three and older who play one or more sports, ...

2.3 New Trends in Demand

Consumers are the main driver of business growth and the demand for sustainable and ethically manufactured products is growing among the younger generations.

Regarding Generation Z and Millennials - to say, people born from ****s to **** - **% of them are sensitive to sustainable issues, including packaging, environmental issues and sustainable lifestyles. ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Structure and Dynamics of the Market

In order to understand the structure as well as the most relevant dynamics of the Italian sportswear market, it is necessary to rely on the data related to ATECO **.**.* - Manufacture of Sportswear. In particular, analyzing the trend in the number of entities specialized in the sector operating in the Italian ...

3.2 Value Chain


The value chain reported above shows how the distribution of sportswear products in the Italian market. In particular, it allows identifying the importance of e-commerce and online channels, which were mainly developed at the explosion of the pandemic - as explained in section *.*.

3.3 Main Players

The following graph shows the proportion of the market owned by each of the main companies operating in the Italian sector of sportswear according to their market share.

Sportswear Market - Main Players Italy, ****, in %. Source: ****

From the pie chart above, we can see how the most important brands in the ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Typology of the Offer

Dealing with the Italian sportswear market, it is possible to list the following categories of products that are supplied within it:

Pants; Tracksuits; Jackets; T-shirts; Fleece Lining; Sweatshirt; Windbreaks and Softshells; Coats; Raincoats; Polo shirts; Shirts; Vests; Jerseys.

4.2 Pricing

In order to assess the consumer price index for the sportswear market, it is necessary to consider the broader category associated with ECOICOP **** - Garments, which also encompasses all the products traded in the market of our interest. The graph below shows the evolution in the trend of the consumer price ...

4.3 New Trends in the Offer

According to a research paper released by PWC, as tools like digital sizing, consumer collaboration platforms and augmented reality are introduced and begin to converge, companies and brands should:

Offer a unique and distinct experience to those who are less digitally inclined; Forge new strategic partnerships across the industry; Formulate a ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Regulatory Framework

Dealing with sportswear and the regulation applicable to the subject, it is necessary to introduce and understand the law regulating the labelling process for textile products. The labelling and presentation of textile products is regulated by EU Regulation no. ****/****. In particular, the term "textile products" refers to all products which, in ...


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ultime novità

Decathlon vende pareti di negozi per un valore di 600 milioni di euro - 12/12/2023
  • La rete conta 1.751 punti vendita in tutto il mondo.
  • Decathlon ha appena venduto i locali di 90 dei suoi punti vendita per 600 milioni di euro.
  • La decisione di rimuovere dagli scaffali molti dei marchi dell'azienda. Dei 49 attuali, solo una quindicina dovrebbero rimanere entro il prossimo anno.
  • La recente acquisizione di, un rivenditore online tedesco di attrezzature per gli sport di montagna.

Decathlon: corsie del campeggio saccheggiate in Israele dopo il raid di Hamas amas - 17/10/2023
  • Numero di dipendenti Decathlon in Israele: 500
  • Numero di negozi Decathlon in Israele: 10
  • Settore più popolare: Campeggio
Decathlon cambia strategia - 22/07/2023
  • Decathlon intende ridurre il numero dei propri marchi da 49 a circa 15 entro il prossimo anno.
  • L'azienda mira a ridurre del 20% l'offerta nei negozi razionalizzando i propri marchi.
  • L'azienda ha 1.751 negozi in tutto il mondo, di cui 325 in Francia.
  • Nel 2022, Decathlon ha generato vendite per 15,4 miliardi di euro, di cui 4,7 miliardi in Francia.
  • Le vendite online di Decathlon hanno rappresentato il 16,8% delle vendite totali nel 2022, rispetto al 20,8% del 2021.
  • Negli ultimi due anni, Decathlon ha iniziato a ridurre la superficie di vendita di alcuni dei suoi negozi, passando da 500 a 1.500 m2.
  • Il suo rivale Intersport, con 800 negozi e un fatturato di 3,3 miliardi di euro, punta a un fatturato di 5 miliardi di euro entro il 2025.
L'uscita dalla Russia non ostacola l'espansione di Decathlon - 04/04/2023
  • Numero di negozi: 1.751 in 69 Paesi
  • Fatturato nel 2022: 15,4 miliardi di euro (+12%) Utile netto nel 2022: 923 milioni di euro (+10 milioni di euro rispetto al 2021)
  • Apertura di nuovi negozi nel 2022: 70
  • Crescita delle vendite a parità di perimetro nel 2022: 13
  • Quota delle vendite digitali: 17% nel 2022, in aumento rispetto all'8% del 2019
  • Percentuale di attività in Francia: 25% (con 325 negozi)
  • Vendite in Francia: 4,7 miliardi di euro nel 2022, con un aumento del 12% rispetto all'anno precedente
  • Prodotti di seconda mano: 300.000 venduti entro il 2022, disponibili in nove negozi su dieci.
  • Noleggio: lanciato nel 2022, con il 4% delle biciclette per bambini acquistate in questo modo.
Decathlon: crescita del 12% nel 2022 - 04/04/2023
  • - Vendite nel 2022: 15,4 miliardi di euro
  • - Crescita delle vendite rispetto al 2021: 12%
  • - Quota dell'e-commerce sulle vendite: 17%
  • - Utile netto nel 2022: 923 milioni di euro
  • - Utile netto nel 2021: 913 milioni di euro
  • - Numero di negozi: 1571
  • - Presenza mondiale: 72 Paesi
  • - Numero di dipendenti: 105.000
  • - Quota di vendite in Francia: circa 25
Decathlon ha presentato la sua "Magic Bike", un concetto di bicicletta elettrica altamente connessa. - 11/06/2022
  • Décathlon ha presentato la Magic Bike, una bicicletta ultraconnessa a pedalata assistita.
  • È stata sviluppata dal marchio B'Twin e il suo design non è ancora completo
  • La bicicletta utilizza un sistema di riconoscimento per sbloccarsi automaticamente quando ci si avvicina al produttore.
  • È dotata di uno schermo che visualizza dati quali velocità, tempo, percorso, ecc.
  • La bicicletta è alimentata da un motore elettrico in grado di raggiungere una velocità di 25 km/h
  • L'autonomia della batteria può essere estesa a 90 chilometri

Aziende citate in questo studio

Questo studio contiene un panorama completo di società di mercato con le ultime cifre e le notizie di ogni azienda :

Under Armour
Decathlon Groupe
Lacoste Groupe

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the sportswear market | Italy

89 €
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  • Qual'è il posizionamento degli attori di mercato?
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Pacchetto di 5 studi (-15%) IT Italy

75.6 € / studi
378 € Invece di 445 € -15%
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