
The global market for aperitif cookies, which includes products such as semi-salted cookies, chips, and crackers, has demonstrated significant growth in recent years, with the snack market hitting US$505 billion in revenues in 2022. The cookies (sweet, savory) and crackers segment holds the largest share, accounting for 52.3% of market revenues, equivalent to $264.1 billion. The United States, Japan, India, and China are the key countries driving revenue, while Italy, with its strong aperitivo culture, ranks 12th globally. In Italy, the sector saw an 18.6% growth in 2022 compared to the previous year, with revenues of €4.02 billion expected in 2023 and an annual CAGR projection of 1.89% from 2023 to 2028. The trend within this market is pivoting towards healthier options that contain fewer saturated fats and preservatives. Additionally, companies are focusing on creating sustainable packaging solutions. The demand for these products is influenced by changing consumption habits, an increasing preference for snacks over traditional meals, and a specific focus in Italy on the aperitivo tradition. Despite the impact of COVID-19 causing a contraction in imports in 2020, both imports and exports rebounded in 2021, with Italy maintaining a trade balance surplus, highlighted by a coverage rate consistently above 100% for bakery and pastry products. Key players like Mondelez International, Parle Products, and Britannia Industries are prominent in the market, which is characterized by a high degree of segmentation with numerous players and a variety of distribution channels, including supermarkets, hypermarkets, and online platforms. The market structure has seen a significant decrease in the number of companies from 1412 entities in 2016 to 692 in 2020, likely due to market consolidation and the effects of the pandemic and geopolitical tensions affecting key ingredients such as flour. Despite this reduction, consumer spending on food and beverages, as well as the purchase of bakery products like cookies, has been on the rise, and the sector continues to adapt to trends such as automation, sustainability, and nutritional product innovation..**Evolving Trends and Consumption Patterns in the Italian Aperitif Cookies Market** In the realm of aperitif cookies and related snacks in Italy, several trends have emerged that paint a picture of changing consumer habits and preferences. As traditions evolve, Italians are increasingly embracing the aperitif culture, with a significant majority of the population, about 75%, participating in aperitif social gatherings at least once a month. This practice has become deeper rooted within the Italian lifestyle, leading to noticeable alterations in consumption. For example, the demand for lighter snacks, those with reduced fat content, has risen. Parallel to this, Italians are steering their shopping choices toward products with greater health benefits, including those with lower sugar and fat levels, as well as higher fiber content. The shift is evidenced by the decreasing average of calories sold per product and a significant decline in the sales of fats and saturated fats. Conversely, products rich in fiber have experienced a hike in their demand. The Italian consumer base, especially Millennials who now represent around 23% of the global population, are leaning towards replacing traditional meals with snack alternatives. This group is noted for swapping at least one meal a day with snacks, choosing quality over quantity, and increasingly prioritizing healthier eating choices. The Italian aperitif market is not only thriving due to the frequency of participation but also due to consumers' willingness to spend on high-quality bakery products, an essential component of the aperitif. The average monthly household expenditure on bakery products, including cookies, has been on a gradual ascent. There is an implied correlation between this spending behavior and the cultural significance of aperitif among Italians across different regions. The Italian market for cookies, a significant participant in the broader snack market, has witnessed revenue growth that continues to climb, with an expectation to reach between 4 to 5 billion euros in the upcoming years. With a per capita revenue generated from cookies and crackers standing at slightly over 60 euros, it is indicative of the product's importance in the market. Despite the troubles spawned by the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of international conflicts impacting raw material costs like flour, the export and import dynamics reveal that Italy maintains a positive trade balance in the sector, with exports consistently surpassing imports. In conclusion, the aperitif cookie market in Italy is undergoing a transformation influenced by health-conscious behavioral shifts, generational preferences, and the integral role of the aperitif tradition. These factors lead to a burgeoning demand for healthier snack alternatives and a steady.### Key Players Shaping the Aperitif Cookies and Snacks Landscape The aperitif snacks market, a subset of the broader snacks segment, is a dynamic and innovative space where certain industry juggernauts and specialized companies vie for the appetites and loyalties of consumers. The market is characterized by an eclectic mix of traditional savory treats and modern health-conscious offerings, all vying for a spot in the pre-dinner ritual that Italians hold dear. Below, we explore the primary companies leaving their mark on this flavorful industry. **Mondelez International**: A global powerhouse in snacking, Mondelez boasts an impressive portfolio that caters to the appetites of consumers worldwide. Known for its expertise in creating both sweets and savory delights, the company has a footprint in the aperitif cookie category with its variety of crackers and biscuit products tailored to suit the palates of aperitif aficionados. **Parle Products**: This Indian multinational offers a diverse array of snack items, including offerings that suit the aperitif market. Though traditionally associated with biscuits and confectioneries, Parle’s knack for blending flavors and textures translates well to those looking for a bite before the main meal. **Britannia Industries**: As one of India’s oldest brands in the food sector, Britannia Industries is renowned for its bakery products, including a versatile range of biscuits and crackers. With innovation at its core, Britannia consistently reinvents its offerings to align with contemporary tastes, which includes snacks suited for the aperitif occasion. **Pladis Foods**: As the global biscuit and confectionery arm of Yıldız Holding, Pladis entertains and entices consumers with its universally beloved brands. Their mastery in the realm of baked goods makes them a notable presence in the aperitif snacks market, especially with their specialty crackers that pair well with spreads and cheeses. **Roma Food Products**: Operating under the name Orgran, this company specializes in producing a vast range of gluten-free and alternative grain products. For the health-conscious aperitif snacker, Roma Food Products presents a selection that indulges without deviation from dietary restrictions. **Sapidum**: With a focus on gourmet offerings, Sapidum elevates the simple aperitif to new heights. Their products often blend traditional recipes with a modern twist, catering to those who prefer a touch of luxury with their pre-dinner nibbles. **Kellogg Company**: Mostly recognized for its breakfast cereals, Kel
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  • Ultimo aggiornamento : 21/07/2023
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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The term aperitif cookies refers to all those dry salty, semi-salty products that are eaten during aperitif time. The main categories of this food are: semi-salted cookies, chips, crackers, breadsticks and others.

The global market for snacks, i.e., snacks, is growing a lot especially in recent years. Between 2023 and 2028, the market's compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is expected to be 6.72%. The cookies (sweet, savory) and crackers segment has the largest share of revenue globally. The main countries generating the highest revenues are the United States, Japan, India, and China.

Italy ranks 12th globally in terms of revenues generated. For the forecast period 2023-2028, the market is expected to grow at an annual CAGR of 1.89% with per capita revenues of €66.70 generated in 2022. In Italy, the aperitivo also called happy hour is considered a real tradition in the country. 75% of Italians go out for aperitivo at least once a month. The average price of an aperitivo in 2019 was €7.10/kg (+0.44% from the previous year). The types of food that are consumed during the aperitivo vary from region to region: in northern Italy bruschetta and crackers are preferred, in central Italy the most consumed product is breadsticks, while in the south taralli are preferred.

One of the main trends within the market is to create healthier products. Most of these foods contain large amounts of saturated fats and preservatives, so many companies are increasingly developing lighter product lines. A second major trend within the market is also to create products with packaging that contains less plastic or single-serving but is more sustainable.

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Barilla perde il secondo round della guerra dei biscotti - 02/04/2024
  • Data dell'Inizio della Vicenda: Giugno 2023 - Barilla chiede al Tribunale di Brescia di vietare la vendita di nove tipi di biscotti da parte delle aziende Tedesco e Sapori Artigianali per eccessiva somiglianza con i propri prodotti. 
  • Primo Grado di Giudizio: Febbraio 2024 - Il Tribunale accoglie parzialmente le richieste di Barilla, vietando la vendita di alcuni prodotti e l'utilizzo di determinate confezioni per loro somiglianza con i prodotti e packaging di Mulino Bianco. 
  • Secondo Grado di Giudizio: 18 Marzo 2024 - Il Tribunale di Brescia respinge il reclamo di Barilla e accoglie le tesi delle aziende Tedesco e Sapori Artigianali. 
  • Argumenti del Ribaltamento della Sentenza: 
    • Volgarizzazione dei Marchi di Forma: La forma dei biscotti in questione è considerata ormai così comune da non essere più distintiva di un particolare produttore. 
    • Packaging Controvertito: Nonostante la similarità, non si ritiene che il packaging di Tedesco possa creare confusione o associazioni indebite con quello di Barilla a causa della prevalenza di elementi comuni nel settore. 
    • Urgenza del Procedimento: Il Tribunale rigetta l'urgenza richiesta da Barilla per l'intervento, notando che Barilla era a conoscenza della vendita dei prodotti "simili" già dal 2016. 
  • Implicazioni per il Settore: Questa vicenda sottolinea l'importanza della distintività e originalità nel design dei prodotti e dei packaging in un mercato sovraffollato. Mostra anche le sfide legali e commerciali nel proteggere tali aspetti in contesti competitivi.
Barilla lancia la "Fisarmoniche": sei anni di ricerca per una brioche perfetta per l'inzuppo - 26/03/2024
  • Periodo di ricerca e sviluppo: 6 anni, iniziato nel 2018. 
  • Stabilimento di produzione: Melfi, Basilicata. 
  • Investimenti: Oltre 30 milioni di euro negli ultimi 3 anni nello stabilimento di Melfi, con investimenti dedicati sia alla sostenibilità che all'innovazione, tra cui la realizzazione delle linee produttive per Pancakes e Fisarmoniche. 
  • Quantità di zuccheri: Fisarmoniche ha il -35% di zuccheri rispetto alla media delle merende più vendute. 
  • Contenuto calorico: 120 kcal/pezzo. 
  • Capacità produttiva dello stabilimento: Massima capacità di 83.000 tonnellate/anno. 
  • Numero di dipendenti a Melfi: Più di 350. 
  • Controlli di qualità: Più di 5.000 controlli sui prodotti finiti e 200 sulle materie prime al giorno. 
  • Risparmio ambientale negli ultimi 10 anni: 40% di risparmio di acqua e 27% di riduzione delle emissioni di CO2. 
  • Numero totale di referenze Mulino Bianco: Oltre 130, che comprendono biscotti, merende, e pani. 
  • Preferenza degli italiani per l’inzuppo: 6 italiani su 10 amano inzuppare merende o biscotti a colazione. 
  • Ingredienti: Senza additivi coloranti e conservanti né olio di palma. Contiene il 4% di fibre. 
  • Dimensioni dello stabilimento: 202.000 m^2. 
BARILLA RIDUCE I PREZZI DAL 7% AL 13% - 16/01/2024

Riduzione dei prezzi da parte di Barilla: dal 7% al 13% 

  • Prodotti coinvolti: Spaghetti n. 5, gran parte dell’assortimento di pasta, prodotti Mulino Bianco (biscotti, merendine, fette biscottate, pani) e alcuni articoli della Pavesi (come le Gocciole) 
  • Durata della promozione: fino al 31 dicembre 2024 
  • Motivazione: operazione straordinaria di riduzione dei prezzi di cessione ai clienti diretti e ai distributori, realizzata abbassando i listini dei contratti su un significativo paniere di prodotti 
  • Altre iniziative strategiche della Barilla: investimenti lungo le proprie filiere, nei siti produttivi, attenzione alla ricerca e sviluppo di nuove tecnologie, innovazione con i lanci di nuovi prodotti, campagne di comunicazione, collaborazione continua con i partner operanti nel settore della distribuzione
Barilla, un grande nome della pasta italiana che si destreggia tra le crisi - 24/04/2023
  • Fatturato Barilla: 4,5 miliardi di euro
  • Barilla è il primo acquirente di grano duro al mondo
  • Vendite della filiale francese del gruppo: 720 milioni di euro entro il 2022 (crescita del 14%)
  • Inflazione dei prezzi dei pacchi di pasta: +20%
  • Quota di mercato di Harry's (pane per panini): 29.7
  • Barilla ha 4 stabilimenti di panificazione in Francia.
Harrys punta a conquistare il paese delle baguette - 18/04/2023
  • Il mercato è triplicato in vent'anni.
  • 30% di quota di mercato per Harrys.
  • 11 miliardi di euro di vendite di prodotti da forno tradizionali entro il 2022.
  • Calo costante del consumo di pane fresco in Francia dal 2015.
  • Harry's è stata fondata nel 1970 e acquisita dall'italiana Barilla nel 2003.
  • Quota di consumo di pane preaffettato e preconfezionato in Francia: quasi il 10%.
  • Quota di consumo di pane preaffettato e preconfezionato in Germania: 45%.
  • Quota di consumo di pane preaffettato e preconfezionato in Spagna: 14%.
Il colosso italiano Barilla rafforza la sua posizione negli Stati Uniti con l'acquisizione di Back to Nature - 19/12/2022
  • Colosso italiano, fatturato di 3,9 miliardi di euro
  • Barilla è leader nella pasta negli Stati Uniti con il 38% di quota di mercato e nei sughi con il 20%
  • Barilla ha acquisito il marchio americano Back to Nature (lievito per pane, cracker, muesli, noci e nocciole non OGM)
  • Circa 50 milioni di dollari di vendite
  • In Francia, Barilla possiede lo specialista del pane Harry's, in Italia Mulino Bianco e nel Nord Europa Wasa.

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Questo studio contiene un panorama completo di società di mercato con le ultime cifre e le notizie di ogni azienda :

Mondelez Italie
Coop Italia
Carrefour Property Italia S.p.a
Grissin Bon
San Carlo

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the market for aperitif biscuits | Italy

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