
The Italian market for "leather goods", a sector specializing in leather accessories such as bags, belts and wallets, has been growing steadily, mainly due to strong exports rather than domestic demand. Italy's estimated position as a world leader in leather production and processing underlines its significant contribution to the country's GDP, involving a large number of companies and employees. Since 2020, the sector has begun to feel the effects of changing consumer preferences towards sustainable and environmentally-friendly products, as well as the diversification of distribution channels. However, the above text does not provide specific post-2020 numerical data on market trends, company performance or consumer behavior.

The changing dynamics of the "Leather Goods" market in Italy

Looking at the Italian "leather goods" market - a specialized sector within the broader leather goods industry that focuses on leather accessories such as bags, belts and wallets - we discover a nuanced tapestry of trends and economic contributions. At the heart of this market is the material itself: leather, whose use dates back to prehistoric times and has since evolved thanks to sophisticated preservation techniques. Although a well-established market, the Italian "leather goods" sector has seen a shift in the driving forces behind its growth. Domestic demand, once a constant source of dynamism for the market, is now in decline. Exports, on the other hand, have become the new engine of growth, reinforcing Italy's position as a world leader in leather production and processing. This divergence underlines a broader trend within the Italian economy, where export-oriented industries are increasingly vital.

In terms of economic impact, the leather goods sector is far from negligible. It encompasses a vast network of companies and employs a large workforce, making a significant contribution to the country's GDP. Although the exact figures are not given in the text, we can deduce that the sector represents a significant part of Italy's economic output, employing tens of thousands of people and generating revenues ranging from a few dozen to a few hundred million euros. In the absence of precise figures, we can deduce that the scale of the industry is quite vast. The future trajectory of the market seems to be influenced by changes in consumer behavior and distribution channels. Sustainable and ecological products are gaining in popularity with consumers, signalling a potential shift towards products offering environmental benefits or ethical guarantees. In addition, the proliferation of distribution channels suggests that the market is adapting to the digital age, where online retailing and various sales platforms are becoming increasingly widespread.

In conclusion, the Italian leather goods market is at a crossroads, shaped by a complex interplay between the traditional excellence of leather craftsmanship and emerging trends that emphasize sustainability and digitalization. As exports continue to soar and domestic demand weakens, the industry's ability to adapt will be put to the test, potentially redefining the very essence of this quintessential Italian business.

Tradition meets innovation The leather goods market, deeply rooted in heritage and craftsmanship, is characterized by a diverse range of key players who have marked the industry with their commitment to quality, design excellence and innovation. At the heart of this market, particularly in countries renowned for their leather goods such as Italy, are distinguished companies that combine traditional techniques with contemporary style to create leather accessories appreciated the world over.

  • Gucci - An emblem of Italian luxury, Gucci is an iconic figure in the leather goods market. Known for its double "G" logo and fusion of classic and modern elements in design, Gucci offers an extensive collection of leather accessories that includes sumptuous handbags, belts and wallets. Gucci embodies the harmonious integration of traditional Italian craftsmanship and cutting-edge fashion trends, making it the preferred brand of consumers who seek both heritage and modernity in their leather goods.
  • Prada - Another iconic Italian brand, Prada's reputation for quality and innovation has earned it an important place in the leather accessories market. A symbol of minimalist elegance, Prada leather goods often set the tone for industry trends with their inventive use of materials, styles and colors. The company's avant-garde approach keeps it at the forefront of sought-after luxury brands, attracting a clientele that appreciates both avant-garde and timeless sophistication.
  • Louis Vuitton - Although originally from France, Louis Vuitton's influence in the leather goods sector extends worldwide, with its signature monogram canvas and impeccable leather craftsmanship. Offering a wide range of products, from iconic handbags to leather travel goods, Louis Vuitton is a bastion of luxury and is often considered the gold standard in the world of leather accessories. The brand's commitment to excellence is evident at every stitch, and it continues to be a dominant player in the sector.
  • Bottega Veneta - Known for its signature intrecciato weave, Bottega Veneta is a paragon of understated luxury and expert craftsmanship. This Italian brand offers a range of handcrafted leather goods that emphasize the quality of materials and the tactile experience. Its commitment to discretion and anti-logo sentiment appeal to consumers who appreciate subtlety and elegance, cementing Bottega Veneta's position as a distinguished player in the global leather market.
  • Fendi - With its distinctive blend of playful design and superb Italian craftsmanship, Fendi stands out for its ability to create quality products.
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  • Formato : Versione PDF e digitale
  • Ultimo aggiornamento : 09/08/2021
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1 Market summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

The "maroquinerie" market is a micro-category of the wider leather clothing market and refers to all leather accessories (e.g. bags, belts, wallets). The distinguishing mark of these fashion items is therefore the material: leather.

The use of leather has ancient origins, in prehistoric times clothing made from the skin of victims of hunting were worn. Undoubtedly in the absence of further processing, the material did not last over time, which is why techniques of drying and preservation of the material were gradually devised.

The small leather goods market in Italy continues to grow, but for years the positive evolution has not been stimulated by domestic demand, which is gradually decreasing, but by exports. Italy is one of the world leaders in the production and processing of leather, a sector that affects a considerable number of companies and employees and that consequently has a significant impact on the GDP of the country. The leather goods segment is expected to be gradually impacted by different purchasing habits (e.g. growing interest in sustainability, "environmentally friendly") and by the proliferation of distribution channels.


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ultime novità

Lvmh: Belloni lascia la carica di direttore generale e sarà presidente di Lvmh Italia - 22/03/2024
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    • - Periodo in LVMH: oltre 23 anni
    • - Ruoli: Direttore generale e presidente del comitato esecutivo di LVMH
    • - Prossimo ruolo: Incaricato di alcune missioni strategiche e presidente di LVMH Italia
  •  **Stéphane Bianchi**
    • - Data di assunzione in LVMH: 2018
    • - Nuovi ruoli: Presiederà il comitato esecutivo e guiderà le divisioni geografiche e la trasformazione digitale e data del gruppo, operando in collaborazione stretta con Bernard Arnault. 3.
  • **Wei Sun Christianson**
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    • - Data di cooptazione proposta: Consiglio di amministrazione del 18 aprile
  • **Bernard Arnault**
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    • - Commento su Belloni: Lo descrive come un elemento fondamentale per il successo di LVMH, citando la sua visione, lealtà e partecipazione alle acquisizioni del gruppo.
Chanel investe ancora in Italia: nuova giunteria per Gensi Group - 29/02/2024
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    • - Inaugurazione di un nuovo reparto di giunteria di 3.000 metri quadrati nel sito produttivo di Mosciano Sant’Angelo (Teramo).
    • - Attivazione di 4 nuove linee di produzione da 70 metri ciascuna.
    • - Attualmente, 6 linee di produzione sono in funzione, con un piano di raddoppio nei prossimi 3 anni attraverso l'inserimento di nuove risorse professionali.
  •  **Iniziative Aziendali per la Sostenibilità**:
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    • - Riduzione dei consumi energetici e degli scarti di lavorazione.
    • - Avanzamenti nel riciclo e riuso.
    • - Avvio dell'istituto interno di formazione "M'Astri Nascenti" in collaborazione con Arsutoria School, con 60 persone formate fino ad oggi.
  • **Forza Lavoro e Piani di Assunzione**:
    • - Attualmente, l'azienda ha oltre 660 collaboratori, dei quali oltre 120 sono orlatrici.
    • - Sono previste nuove assunzioni per aumentare ulteriormente la forza lavoro.
  • **Produzione Chanel e Supply Chain Italiana**:
    • - Le calzature Chanel sono progettate in Francia ma prodotte in Italia.
    • - Aziende italiane controllate da Chanel implicate nella produzione: Roveda di Parabiago (acquisita nel 1999), Gensi di Giulianova (acquisita nel 2015), e Ballin Shoes (acquisita nel 2020).
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Crescita delle vendite di Hermès: 25% nel primo semestre.

Aperture previste: quattro nuovi negozi di pelletteria entro il 2027.

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  • Le vendite in Asia sono aumentate del 28%.
  • Le vendite negli Stati Uniti sono aumentate del 20%, in Europa del 22% e in Francia del 24%.
  • Continua la rapida crescita delle vendite di Hermès, con una performance particolarmente forte in Asia e nel mercato della pelletteria.
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  • Hermès costruirà una nuova fabbrica di pelletteria a Charleville-Mézières, che sarà operativa nel 2027.
  • 260 artigiani metteranno a frutto le loro competenze nei nuovi laboratori.
  • Il cluster di produzione della pelle delle Ardenne darà lavoro a più di 800 artigiani entro il 2027.
  • La nuova pelletteria di Charleville-Mézières sarà il ventiseiesimo sito produttivo di Hermès Maroquinerie Sellerie in Francia.

Aziende citate in questo studio

Questo studio contiene un panorama completo di società di mercato con le ultime cifre e le notizie di ogni azienda :

Hermès International
Lancaster Maroquinier
Valigeria Roncato SPA
Laura Bigiotti
Nico Giani
Veneta Italiana Pelle SRL

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the leather goods market | Italy

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