
The urban greening market, particularly in France, is on an upward trajectory driven by a growing eco-consciousness and legislative mandates emphasizing sustainability and biodiversity. Numerous cities worldwide have committed to climate action, with nearly 9,400 cities proposing over 20,000 measures, indicating a significant opportunity for private investment in urban sustainability projects.

In France, urbanization continues unabated, with 80.5% of the population living in urban areas in 2020, and a growing demand for single-family homes, which saw an estimated market size of 12.991 billion euros. The construction sector overall is robust, with a production value of 146.25 billion euros in 2020. Urban greening initiatives are encouraged by state subsidies and the introduction of greening permits. As urbanization expands, addressing the heat island effect and integrating green infrastructure becomes imperative, presenting continued growth for the urban greening market.

Greening the Urban Jungle: Trends and Demands in Urban Greening in France

Urban greening in France is fast gaining momentum, driven by a population increasingly conscious of environmental concerns and eco-responsibility. With pioneering roots in the green roofing market, France has established itself as a forerunner, boasting several million square meters of green roofing installations. Legislative measures such as the biodiversity Act have further bolstered this growth by mandating renewable energy or greening systems on new commercial building rooftops. The transformation of urban landscapes into living eco-systems is propelled by the understanding of the link between urbanization and environmental impact. Historical industrialization has given way to a re-envisioned relationship between cities and their ecological footprint. Now, cities, which account for about 60 to 80 percent of France's urban-dwelling population, are seen as ripe for sustainable innovation. The city of Paris, despite having a lower per capita green space than other European cities, is witnessing a surge in urban greening projects, indicative of a significant paradigm shift among residents.

A diverse array of urban greening projects are underway, transcending simplistic greening paradigms and necessitating sophisticated engineering solutions. The positioning of these projects ranges from sizeable public parks to intensive roof gardens priced between 120 to 300 euros per square meter and extensive green roofs costing around 45 to 100 euros per square meter. Amidst this, nurseries and distributors such as Toiture Bio are making plant purchasing for green projects a viable, albeit significant expenditure, with the price of premade sedum mats used in extensive roof projects varying around 30 to 40 euros per square meter.

The French market is not merely defined by its regulatory environment but is animated by startups and technological innovation that are reshaping the urban greening landscape. Notable examples include Topager and Sous les Fraises, exemplifying the dynamic and evolving nature of the sector. The current market coincides with a broader set of changes in the construction sector. Specifically, the demand for individual housing construction, a significant portion of urban greening initiatives, has witnessed an annual growth of about 2 to 3 percent, hinting at a market trending positively. Moreover, supportive governmental interventions in the form of reduced VAT rates for green renovations and the advent of greening permits signify the state's pivotal role. This backdrop of state aid, along with public enthusiasm for environmental change, presents an environment ripe for the sustained growth of urban greening in France. This is characterized by an increased consumer price.

The Pioneers and Innovators of France's Urban Greening Market

As France continues to nurture its rising urban greening market, a select few companies are making substantial headway, becoming synonymous with the industry's growth and innovation. These entities are not only ensuring compliance with legislative demands but also pushing the boundaries in sustainable development and eco-conscious urban planning.

  • Toiture Bio - The Green Roofing Expert : Toiture Bio has positioned itself as a go-to for those in need of green roofing solutions. They offer a range of ready-to-use kits that cater to various plant life and substrate thickness preferences. Known for simplifying the green roof installation process, Toiture Bio empowers homeowners and businesses alike to embrace eco-friendly roofs with accessible pricing and a focus on sedum plants, which are particularly suited for such applications.

  • O2D Environment – Reinventing Urban Landscapes : O2D Environment takes urban greening a step further by diving deep into the engineering and scientific aspects. They view urban vegetation as green infrastructure, integral to city development and the wellbeing of citizens. Their approach involves choosing the right species and managing green spaces efficiently to achieve the intended environmental benefits.

  • Sous les Fraises – The Urban Farming Trailblazer : This innovative startup has pioneered the transformation of Parisian rooftops into lush, productive gardens. Sous les Fraises demonstrates how urban spaces can be effectively utilized for agriculture, offering a model that not only beautifies the city but also contributes to the local food supply.

  • Vertige – Elevating Green Façades : With a name that echoes its specialty, Vertige has made a name for itself by developing green walls and façades. Their focus on vertical ecosystems in urban environments contributes significantly to the aesthetic and ecological enhancement of building exteriors.

  • Prêt à Pousser – Simplifying Urban Cultivation : As a company, Prêt à Pousser embodies the idea that everyone can grow their own plants, regardless of space constraints. Their indoor gardening solutions resonate with city dwellers who long for greenery but lack outdoor space, proving that urban greening has an important interior dimension as well.

  • La Grande Serre – The Greenhouse Pioneer : La Grande Serre looks at urban greening through the lens of large-scale greenhouse production, integrating advanced technologies to create sustainable, controlled environments. Their efforts demonstrate how larger green spaces can be cultivated within urban areas, contributing to both the environment and urban aesthetics.

  • Mon Petit Coin Vert – The Community Gardening Advocate. 
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Détail du contenu


  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 01/12/2021
Détail des mises à jour

Sommaire et extraits

1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction

The urban greening is a process or art of populating the buildings ( terraces , roofing , walls etc.) of plants . The green roofing system is a set of materials and plants installed on a specific surface with the objective of ensuring the sustainability of the vegetation as well as the construction.

One of the fundamental elements of urban greening concerns the support elements for the plant parts (concrete slab, steel sheeting, wooden panels, etc.) which, depending on their nature and technical definition, are capable of supporting different loads and uses. A waterproofing coating, resistant to root penetration, is essential for the long-term functioning of the whole. Thermal insulation, generally placed under the waterproofing, completes the vegetation technique.

With several million square meters installed France is a pioneer country in the green roofing market worldwide. Only a few players, mainly in the field of waterproofing and building envelope, share the niche market of green roofing and urban greening in France.

The players in the urban greening market in France are banking on hQE projects and the taking of eco-responsible consciousness of prescribers to sustain their growth. The urban greening market in France can count on the new regulatory requirements to sustain its growth: as part of the biodiversity Act adopted in March 2015 by the National Assembly, an amendment makes it mandatory to install "renewable energy production processes" or a "greening system" on the roofs of new commercial spaces.

Liste des graphiques

  • Potentiel d'investissement dans les villes par région et par secteur à l'horizon 2030
  • Les villes les plus vertes en France
  • Part de la population urbaine dans la population totale en France
  • Les Français et la végétalisation de leur ville
  • Taille du marché français d'après le code NAF 41.20A "construction de maisons individuelles"
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Dernières actualités

Près de Mulhouse, Soprema investit 50 millions d’euros dans une usine de panneaux isolants - 01/03/2024
  • Soprema, fabricant de produits d’étanchéité et d’isolation.
  • - Une nouvelle usine sera implantée à Sausheim, près de Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin).
  • - Coût de l’implantation de la nouvelle usine : 50 millions d’euros.
  • - Les produits à fabriquer dans cette usine : panneaux d’isolant en mousse de polyuréthane.
  • - Capacité de production annuelle de l'usine : 750 000 mètres cubes.
  • - Effectif actuel de l'entreprise : 10 452 salariés dans le monde, dont 4 970 en France.
  • - Chiffre d’affaires du groupe en 2022 : 4,82 milliards d’euros.
Soprema injecte 50M€ dans un site de production d'isolants - 29/01/2024
  • Nombre d'usines de Soprema dans le monde : 123
  • Construction d'une nouvelle usine à Sausheim, Haut-Rhin, France
  • Chiffre d'affaires de Soprema en 2022 : 4,82 milliards d'euros
  • Nombre d'employés de Soprema : 10 450
Agriculture urbaine : Merci Raymond s'adosse au groupe Myrium - 19/10/2023
  • Myrium, un groupe opérateur de travaux et de maintenance a racheté la startup Merci Raymond
  • Merci Raymond emploie 40 personnes et rejoint ainsi un réseau composé de 20 entreprises.
  • Myrium effectue 300 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires.
  • Merci Raymond a un chiffre d'affaires de trois millions d'euros.
  • Un tiers de ses revenus provient des fermes urbaines, un tiers du design végétal, et un tiers du paysagisme.
  • La startup Merci Raymond a réalisé 700 projets depuis sa création
  • Le secteur de la végétalisation urbaine a connu quelques échecs
  • Agricool qui a levé 35 millions d'euros, a été vendu pour seulement 50,000 euros.
  • Le marché de la végétalisation urbaine est principalement centré sur l'Ile-de-France
Soprema fait grimper la phytoépuration sur les toitures - 04/10/2023
  • Réduction de 30% de la consommation d'eau grâce au système de phytoépuration.
  • Épaisseur du système de phytoépuration en toiture : environ 20 cm.
  • Poids du dispositif : environ 300 kg par mètre carré (eau incluse).
  • Durée du projet de développement de la solution Skywater Clear : 5 ans.
  • Chiffre d'affaires de Soprema : 4,8 milliards d'euros.
Canopée végétale à La Roche-sur-Yoann - 23/01/2023
  • Première canopée végétale hors sol proposée pour la nouvelle place des Halles à la Roche-sur-Yon.
  • Canopée développée par la start-up Urban Canopée.
  • Les corolles autonomes et mobiles s'élèvent à 5 mètres et peuvent ombrager 20 m2.
  • Campagne de financement participatif sur Helloasso en cours pour boucler le budget.
Sur les toits, Topager mixe végétalisation et agriculture urbaine - 17/10/2022
  • Chiffre d'affaires réalisé en 2021 : 2 millions d'euros
  • Effectif : 30 personnes
  • 5 hectares de toitures végétalisées
  • conception et la réalisation de projets d'agriculture urbaine et végétalisation non comestible
  • La crise du Covid a accéléré la demande de végétalisation

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Soprema Groupe
Urban Canopée
Corporate Garden
Peas and Love
Myrium Groupe - Merci Raymond

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Nos offres :

the urban greening market | France

89 € HT
  • Quels sont les chiffres sur la taille et la croissance du marché ?
  • Quels leviers tirent la croissance du marché et leur évolution ?
  • Quel est le positionnement des entreprises sur la chaine de valeur ?
  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 19/10/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Myrium - Merci Raymond
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Peas and Love
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Corporate Garden
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Urban Canopée
  • 21/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Soprema Groupe

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