
Since 2020, the trade show industry has faced significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with companies in the sector experiencing an 80% loss in turnover due to event cancellations and postponements. Despite the impact, there is an ongoing transformation within the industry as trade shows become more technologically integrated and environmentally conscious, which presents opportunities for smaller event companies. The market had been highly concentrated, with a handful of players organizing almost half of all events, and the European Union, with a turnover of €39.5 billion, standing as the second-largest region after North America in terms of revenue. 

The year 2020 was particularly challenging, with a significant decline in exhibitor and visitor attendance, and a struggle to adapt to the inevitably hybridized forms of trade fairs due to the pandemic. Exhibitors have expressed the need for improvements in amenities, with significant portions of their marketing budgets devoted to trade shows, highlighting the continued importance of these events for business networking and market intelligence. Major players in the market as of publishing include Comexposium, Reed Exhibitions, GL Events, Europexpo, and Weyou Group, among others..

Market Trends and Exhibitor Dynamics in the French Trade Fair Industry

The French trade fair market has been a crucial hub for business networking and commerce, drawing significant attention from a plethora of industry professionals seeking collaboration, market entry, and partnership opportunities. Annually, the industry boasts more than 350 diverse events, setting the stage for over 230,000 exhibitors and enticing upwards of 23 million visitors. This prolific activity is primarily harnessed by experienced event organizers, with a market that exhibits a degree of concentration; approximately ten key players adeptly coordinate nearly half of the country’s trade events.

Before the pandemic in 2020, the sector was on an upward trajectory with many small event companies seizing the growth opportunities and riding the wave of increased corporate interest in trade fairs. Companies engaged in these trade events often leverage them as a platform to launch new services, break into fresh markets, or forge influential business relations. It is interesting to note that these fairs have steadily incorporated technological solutions to enhance the participatory experience, signaling a shift toward more digital and sustainable event structures.

Examining the exhibitors’ landscape further, one observes a notable dissatisfaction with aspects such as the absence of designated rest areas and extended waiting times. Quantitatively, trade shows contribute significantly to exhibitors' bottom lines, with evidence pointing towards an average of 10 euros in sales for each euro invested in participation. This high return is indicative of the pivotal role trade fairs play, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises, which make up over three-quarters of the exhibitors and often rely on these events for substantial portions of their annual revenue.

Despite a marked decrease in visitors by roughly 3 to 4% in 2018, contrasting with a 1 to 2% uptick in exhibitor numbers, trade fairs still form an integral part of the marketing mix for many companies. The loyalty among exhibitors is strong, with a reported 76% having attended previous events, highlighting the consistent draw and potential of trade fairs within the industry's demand dynamics. In conclusion, the French trade fair market is an ecosystem that facilitates industry innovation and collaboration.

Prominent Players in the Trade Show Industry: Navigating a Dynamic Market Landscape

The trade show landscape is dotted with a diverse array of companies whose roles are crucial in orchestrating the complex tapestry of events that constitute the industry. Among the notable players that stand out in this bustling market are event organizers, whose expertise in pulling off successful shows is pivotal.

  • Comexposium shines as one of the veterans in event organization, renowned for its portfolio of BtoB trade fairs that cater to various industrial sectors. The company's agility in adapting to market trends and its substantial imprint on the French trade show scene is evident through the numerous exhibitions it convenes, facilitating business interactions on an impressive scale.

  • Reed Exhibitions is another heavyweight in the realm of trade shows, commanding a global presence with a rich heritage of curating large-scale professional gatherings. The broad spectrum of events organized by Reed Exhibitions draws participants from diverse industries, thereby fortifying its status as a beacon for companies seeking expansion and networking opportunities.

  • GL Events, with its forte in not only organizing trade fairs but also offering a suite of event services, holds a formidable presence in the industry. The company’s multifaceted operations enable exhibitors to streamline their participation in trade fairs through integrated service provision, embodying the role of a full-service facilitator in the events domain.

  • Smaller yet significant actors like Europexpo demonstrate the industry's inclusivity, by efficiently orchestrating trade fairs tailored to specific niches. These smaller organizers infuse the market with innovation and dedicated attention to segment-specific exhibitions, enriching the overall diversity of trade fairs available to businesses.

  • Weyou Group stands out by carving its niche within the trade show ecosystem. This group distinguishes itself through its commitment to personalizing the exhibitor experience and maintaining a close-knit atmosphere at events that foster deeper engagement and meaningful business connections.

  • Not to be overlooked are the stand producers, such as Stand Op and Himalaya Expo, whose craftsmanship plays an integral role in bringing exhibitor visions to life. Transcending mere construction, these companies deliver bespoke and modular stands, articulating brand narratives in the three-dimensional space of a trade fair.

In summary, the market players in the trade show industry, from expansive organizers to specialized stand producers, collectively forge the vibrant and dynamic environment that trade fairs are known for. Their respective positions, expertise, and contributions to the industry are indispensable, ensuring that trade shows continue to serve as critical hubs for businesses to thrive and prosper.

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 25/01/2022
Détail des mises à jour

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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

For the purposes of this study, a trade fair is defined as a BtoB trade fair, i.e. a business fair for companies. This study also takes into account trade fairs, which are commercial events of exhibitors belonging to the same economic sector

Trade shows allow professionals from the same industry to come together in exhibition spaces. They are usually opportunities for exhibitors to promote a new service, enter a new market or find a business partner.

Each year, more than 350 trade shows are organized in France, which generates an activity that is mainly captured by the organizers of these shows. This is a the market is relatively concentrated, with around ten players organising almost half of all trade events In 2020, the trade show and exhibition market was overshadowed by Covid-19 with very large losses, since as a result of multiple cancellations or postponements of events, companies in the sector lost 80% of their turnover

However, the rapid growth of the sector and the increasing interest of companies in these types of events is creating opportunities for smaller event companies.

The trade shows themselves continue to evolve, as they increasingly integrate technological solutions that enhance the experience of exhibitors and visitors. The organizers' commitment to the environment is also becoming a differentiator.

Liste des graphiques

  • Répartition géographique du chiffre d'affaires et du nombre d'exposants du secteur des foires et salons
  • Répartition géographique du chiffre d'affaires du secteur des foires et salons
  • Part de chiffre d'affaires réalisé par les entreprises en comparaison avec 2019
  • Évolution du chiffre d'affaires du secteur des foires et salons professionnnels
  • Principaux pays d'origine des exposants et des visiteurs étrangers
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Dernières actualités

JO, Stade de France, Grand Palais Ephémère : les dossiers chauds de GL events - 07/03/2024
  • GL Events a été créé il y a 46 ans 
  • En 2023, GL Events a un chiffre d'affaires de plus de 1,4 milliard d'euros, en croissance de 9%.
  • Le chiffre d'affaires de leur pôle Exhibitions a bondi de 51% à 210 millions d'euros.
  • Le chiffre d'affaires du pôle Venues a augmenté de 21 points à 393 millions d'euros.
  • Le chiffre d'affaires du pôle Live stagne à 824 millions d'euros.
  • GL Events a des filiales dans 20 pays.
  • La France représente plus de la moitié du chiffre d'affaires de GL Events.
  • Plusieurs projets liés aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 généreront un chiffre d'affaires de 300 millions d'euros.
  • GL Events gère divers centres dont le Matmut Stadium de Lyon de 35,000 places, l'Arena de Rio de 18,000 places, ceux de Reims et d'Orléans, les Zénith de Clermont-Ferrand et d'Orléans.
Rugby : à Lyon, GL Events a remis le LOU en marche - 25/08/2023
  • Investissements en cours  pour le club de rugby LOU: 200 millions d'euros
  • Montant consacré par le groupe GL Events aux investissements à Gerland: 2.4 millions d'euros 
  • nombre de joueurs du club: 45
  • Capacité du premier Matmut Stadium construit à Vénissieux: 12.000 places 
  • budget du club pour la saison: 37 millions euros
  • En 2025; les demi-finales du Top 14 seront organisées au Groupama Stadium
  • En 2024 un centre nautique rénové sera livré
Evénementiel : Strasbourg events reprend son souffle après les années de pandémie - 23/06/2023
  • Société d'économie mixte (SEM) Strasbourg events détenue par la Ville et l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg ainsi que par le groupe GL events
  • 243 événements organisés en 2022
  • 495 000 visiteurs en 2022
  • Chiffre d'affaires de la SEM en 2022 : 19,5 millions d'euros et 20 millions en 2019
  • Nouveau parc des expositions de 24 000 mètres carrés
GL Events : La reprise s’accentue par un effet de rattrapage - 20/02/2023
  • 40 ans d’expérience Acteur majeur des grands marchés de l’évènementiel
  • Présent dans plus de 20 pays
  • GL Events propose à ses clients une offre globale organisée autour de trois grands pôles
    • GL Events Live, qui regroupe l’ensemble de l’ingénierie logistique évènementiel corporate, institutionnel et sportif.
    • GL Events Exhibitions pour l’organisation de salons professionnels et grand public
    • GL Events Venues qui gère le réseau de 59 sites évènementiels (parcs expositions, centres de congrès) implantés en France et à l’international. GL Events Venues gère le réseau de 59 sites évènementiels
  • Le géant mondial de l’évènementiel dépasse de 12% son précèdent record de 2019 avant la période Covid

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Comexposium France
Reed Expositions
GL Events
Europexpo (Europe Events Groupe)
Weyou Group
Stand Op
Himalaya Expo
Smart Dezign by RZ Groupe
BK Event (GD Com Groupe)
Media Product
Wenes Stand

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the trade show market | France

89 € HT
  • Quels sont les chiffres sur la taille et la croissance du marché ?
  • Quels leviers tirent la croissance du marché et leur évolution ?
  • Quel est le positionnement des entreprises sur la chaine de valeur ?
  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
  • Données issues de plusieurs dizaines de bases de données

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  • 5 études au prix de 75,6€HT par étude à choisir parmi nos 800 titres sur le catalogue France pendant 12 mois
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 03/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Artea Events
  • 03/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Stand 2B
  • 03/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Wenes Stand
  • 28/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Media Product
  • 28/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise BK Event (GD Com Groupe)
  • 28/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise DS EVENTS
  • 28/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Smart Dezign by RZ Groupe
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