
The global travel agency and tour operator market experienced significant growth prior to 2020. However, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a sharp slowdown in 2020, with a peak decline in May 2020 of -83.81% year-on-year. Despite these challenges, opportunities for market recovery and growth are identified in the demand for personalized travel experiences, growing ecological awareness leading to a dynamic sustainable travel segment, and the over-50s population representing a key customer base.

French tour operator market: trends and consumer dynamics

The French market for tour packages, which encompass a variety of all-inclusive travel services, has seen notable growth in recent years. Demand in this sector is largely driven by the unique combination of convenience and security that these packages offer consumers. However, despite the growth, the tour-operating industry is not without its challenges. Emerging technologies and online platforms have begun to reshape the market landscape, with younger generations showing a clear preference for independent travel arrangements, favoring platforms such as and

In response to the decline of physical agencies and the growing competition from online platforms, industry players such as general tour operators, specialists, group operators, integrated networks, online agencies and the like are all response to the decline of physical agencies and growing competition from online platforms, industry players such as general tour operators, specialists, group operators, integrated networks, online agencies and mass retailers are blurring the boundaries between tour operators and travel agencies, moving towards more direct sales models and personalized offers.

In addition, the COVID-19 crisis posed a major threat to the market, leading to a sharp drop in sales. However, even with these challenges, the market is proving resilient, with the success of tailor-made travel and the rise in ecological awareness driving the sustainable travel segment.

Another promising prospect is the growing target demographic of individuals over 50, who present strong potential for the tour-operating market. Consumption patterns within the French tour-operating market reveal that individual customers account for a significant share, generating nearly 63.8% of sales, followed by companies and public authorities, which hold 31.4% and 4.8% of the market respectively. Moreover, demand seems to be driven by French customers, who contributed 90.5% of sales.

In particular, the tour-operating market shows a tendency towards seasonality. Attendance generally peaks in August, followed by a gradual slowdown until November, before an irregular recovery to August levels. Long-haul trips tend to be more frequent in winter, accounting for over 34.5% of all planned trips, while shorter trips dominate the summer months.

In terms of consumer perception, although a significant number of French people (68%) choose to organize their own trips abroad, travel agencies retain a competitive edge thanks to their value-added services. Some 59% of French consumers consider the after-sales service offered by travel agencies to be a significant advantage. The French also appreciate the time savings and personalization offered by booking through an agency.

Overall, the French tour operator market remains strong, underpinned by the value it offers consumers in terms of convenience, security and adaptability.

The main operators shaping the tour-operating landscape

The dynamic tour operator sector comprises a diverse range of companies, each with its own strategic niche and customer value proposition. Below, we present a selection of leading players who have influenced the dynamics of the tour-operating market.

  • Kuoni: Originally a Swiss tour operator, Kuoni has established itself as a brand of quality and innovation in the travel industry. Kuoni's range of tailor-made luxury vacations, safaris and cruises are aimed at those seeking a high-end, bespoke travel experience.

  • Salaün Holidays: Salaün Holidays is a renowned name in national and international travel. It offers a wide selection of tours that promise scenic landscapes and cultural immersion. Known for its comfortable coach tours, Salaün invites travelers to explore far-flung destinations, promising quality and reliability.

  • Geotravel: As a specialist tour operator, Geotravel takes adventure to the next level. It draws on in-depth expertise to design expeditions and explorations that traverse places off the beaten track, attracting enthusiasts eager to discover the natural world in an intimate and authentic way.

  • CE Evasion: Group operator known for its services to works councils and community groups, CE Evasion tailors trips to the specific needs and interests of collective entities, creating memorable group travel experiences with added benefits.

  • Havas Voyages: A fusion of traditional and modern travel agency approaches, Havas Voyages offers both physical agency services and online booking options. It is renowned for its personalized service and the breadth of its travel offering for holidaymakers.

  • Selectour Afat and TUI: These integrated network players combine the reach of their franchise with the convenience of online services. Selectour Afat's collaborative network of agencies and TUI's extensive international presence have made them influential figures in the tour and travel ecosystem.

  • A digital pioneer, caters to travelers with spontaneous plans, handling late bookings and offering a wide range of travel and leisure options. The platform's dynamic packages are geared to budget-conscious travelers with an appetite for experiences.

  • Carrefour Voyages: Drawing on its experience in the retail sector, Carrefour Voyages has entered the travel market with competitive package deals and travel services. It has built on its extensive customer base, positioning itself as a convenient option for coordinating vacation plans while purchasing basic necessities.

  • Voyageurs du Monde: A specialist in customized travel, Voyageurs du Monde stands out for its commitment to offering personalized, sustainable travel experiences.
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 26/11/2021
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

The tour package (or tourist package) means all the services offered by tour operators (or tour operators) when selling trips lasting more than 24 hours. According to European regulations, a tour package is a journey of more than 24 hours sold on a all-inclusive package and covering at least two benefits among the services of transport, accommodation, excursions, meals and other activities.

The tour operator market is composed of two main types of players:

  • tour operators (or tour-operators) who organise tourist stays in the form of "packages" by bringing together the services of several suppliers (airlines, hotels, restaurants, leisure providers, etc.)
  • the travel agencies that market them.

However, the distinction between these two players is becoming increasingly blurred: some travel agencies are developing their offers themselves, while some tour operators are taking advantage of the development of e-tourism and selling their products directly to the end customer.

The players in the sector include general tour operators (Kuoni, Salaün Holidays), specialists and group operators (Geotravel, CE Evasion), as well as integrated, franchised or voluntary networks (Havas Voyages, Selectour Afat, TUI), independents, online agencies ( and mass retailers (Carrefour Voyages).

Traditionally carried by tour operators and travel agencies in physics, the industry has been shaken by the emergence of digital players bringing together all the offers on a single platform, as in the case of Booking . com or Lastminute . com in France. Another disruptive factor on the market has been the rise of private sales platforms and discount sales offering special promotional offers to the most responsive customer visitors.

The european market of tour operators and travel agencies was worth 167.4 billion euros in 2016, a figure that is growing strongly. The growth in the European market is mainly due to the dynamism of the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain in the tour operator market. On a global scale, the market is also growing strongly, driven by the economic growth of emerging countries and the growing importance of leisure and tourism in people's habits.

The french market of tour operators and travel agencies grew by 12% in 5 years, between 2014 and 2019. This growth can be explained by the simplicity and convenience offered by tour operators and travel agencies, as well as the comfort and security offered by intermediaries.

However, this growth is threatened by a number of issues, the main ones being the preference of the younger generations for the personal travel arrangements and competition from booking platforms online . In addition to this, external factors, in particular the crisis related to the Covid-19 which caused the market turnover to fall, peaking in May 2020 ( - 83.81% between May 2019 and May 2020).

However, growth drivers are emerging, in particular the success of tailor-made travel and the growing demand for more personalized travel, the ecological awareness and dynamism of the sustainable travel segment, and the targeting of the over-50s, whose share is set to increase sharply in the coming years and who represent a strong customer potential for the organized travel market.


Liste des graphiques

  • Chiffre d'affaires des activités des agences de voyage et voyagistes
  • Chiffre d'affaires des activités des agences de voyage et voyagistes (code 79.1)
  • Profil des clients des agences de voyage et voyagistes
  • Répartition des clients des agences de voyage et voyagistes par localisation
  • Répartition du chiffre d'affaires issu des voyages à forfait par zone géographique
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Dernières actualités

Tourisme : TUI France poursuit son redressement - 22/02/2024
  • Augmentation du chiffre d'affaires de TUI France de 25% en 2023
  • TUI France dispose d'un réseau de 189 agences
  • Près de 3.000 partenaires tiers pour TUI France (Selectour, Havas Voyages, Leclerc Voyages, etc.)
Tourisme : Promovacances et FRAM passent sous pavillon émirati - 06/12/2023
  • Les deux marques, FRAM et Promovacances, ont été rachetées par le fonds européen Equistone il y a cinq ans.
  • Elles vont maintenant passer sous pavillon émirati, via une filiale d'un fonds souverain d'Abu Dhabi, Adnec.
  • Adnec possède déjà un portefeuille touristique conséquent, dont le voyagiste allemand Etihad Holidays.
  • Karavel représente "le leader français de la vente de séjours sur Internet" a été repris en 2018 par Equistone, après avoir absorbé le voyagiste FRAM en difficulté, trois ans plus tôt.
  • Karavel devrait réaliser environ 650 millions d'euros de volume d'affaires cette année.
  • Thomas Cook, un concurrent majeur, a disparu, et TUI a perdu des parts de marché en France.
  • Karavel possède un réseau de 150 agences de voyages.
  • Le volume d'affaires de Karavel devrait s'approcher du milliard d'euros en 2023.
Promovacances-Fram racheté Adnec par le fonds d’Abu Dhab - 06/12/2023
  • Adnec possède des hôtels, le centre d'expositions ExCel London et le tour-opérateur allemand Etihad Holidays.
  • Promovacances-Fram revendique la place de numéro deux des voyagistes en France (derrière le Club Med).
  • Adnec pourrait devenir l'actionnaire ultra majoritaire de Promovacances-Fram.
  • Fram a été en redressement judiciaire en 2016.
  • Lorsque Promovacances a racheté Fram début 2016, l'entreprise comptait 50 hôtels-clubs, avait un chiffre d'affaires de 350 millions d'euros et près de 25 millions d'euros de pertes.
  • La clientèle de Fram a doublé depuis le rachat.
  • Le chiffre d'affaires de Fram a atteint 650 millions d'euros dans un groupe réalisant un total de 1 milliard en 2023.
  • Actuellement, Fram compte 100 hôtels-clubs dans le monde.
  • Promovacances-Fram a acquis Jumbo fin 2019.
  • Depuis le début de l'année, Promovacances-Fram a acquis 10 catamarans pour proposer des croisières.
  • Promovacances-Fram va faire voyager 840.000 clients en 2022.
  • Fram exploite déjà trois hôtels-clubs à Dubaï et Abu Dhabi.
Havas Voyages se spécialise - 16/05/2023
  • Havas Voyages compte 350 points de vente en France.
  • Le réseau Havas Voyages conserve et transforme l'intégralité de son réseau.
  • 400 conseillers à former pour devenir experts-destinations sur 80 destinations de leur choix.
Voyageurs du Monde : une forte reprise en 2022 qui se poursuivra en 2023 - 19/04/2023
  • Chiffre d'affaires en 2022: 497,3 millions d'euros
  • Croissance du chiffre d'affaires en 2022 par rapport à 2019: 2%
  • Part du chiffre d'affaires réalisée à l'international en 2022: 32%
  • Résultat net en 2022: 29,9 millions d'euros
  • Perte en 2021: 0,3 million d'euros
  • Bénéfice en 2019: 20,3 millions d'euros
Lionel Habasque met Terres d'Aventure en marche - 27/03/2023
  • Avec quinze marques - dont Terres d'Aventure, Comptoir des Voyages, Nomade Aventure ou Allibert Trekking -, le groupe emploie 1,500 personnes pour 430 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires en 2022
  • - 487 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires avant la pandémie
  • - Terre d'Aventure - 24 % taux de croissance - 160 salariés

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Kuoni France (DER Touristik Group)
Havas Voyages
Lookea (TUI Group)
Fram Karavel
Leclerc Voyages
GOvoyages (eDreams Odigeo Group)
Promovacances Karavel
Carrefour Voyages
Vacances Transat

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Nos offres :

the tour package market | France

89 € HT
  • Quels sont les chiffres sur la taille et la croissance du marché ?
  • Quels leviers tirent la croissance du marché et leur évolution ?
  • Quel est le positionnement des entreprises sur la chaine de valeur ?
  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
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Pack 5 études (-15%) France

75.6 € HT / étude
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  • 5 études au prix de 75,6€HT par étude à choisir parmi nos 800 titres sur le catalogue France pendant 12 mois
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 04/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Jet tours
  • 04/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise La Française des Circuits
  • 04/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Voyageurs du Monde Groupe
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise TUI France
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Vacances Transat
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Carrefour Voyages
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Selectour
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Promovacances
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Go Voyages
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Leclerc Voyages
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Fram
  • 02/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Look Voyages

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