
As of 2020, the refrigerant compressor market is witnessing several trends with a strong focus on innovation and environmental regulations. European production, valued at €2.6 billion in 2019, has seen a decline from its peak between 2014 and 2017. Market players are adapting to the European F-gas II regulation that mandates a phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by transitioning towards less harmful refrigerants such as CO2 and NH3. France's domestic consumption of refrigerant compressors was estimated at €240 million in 2018 with a noted downtrend in national production from €487.2 million in 2010 to €399.2 million in 2018. Exports and imports in 2019 were valued at €511.48 million and €393.29 million respectively. Market innovations, like the lubricant-oil-free compressors and non-compressor refrigeration systems, are addressing ecological concerns and reducing oil market dependency. The development of these novel technologies indicates a shift towards more sustainable and energy-efficient refrigeration solutions..### Trends in the Refrigeration Compressor Market In the refrigeration compressor market, a notable downward trend in production has been observed since the early 2010s. Specifically, the value of French production saw a decline from approximately 480 million euros to around 400 million euros, indicating a fall of roughly 15-20%. Despite this overall decline, there was a slight increase in production between 2016 and 2018 of about 5-10%. Foreign trade has seen fluctuations, with exports of refrigeration compressors valued at over 510 million euros in 2019, exhibiting a slight decrease of roughly 5-7% compared to the previous year. On the other hand, imports showed a modest increase of about 1-2%, totaling around 393 million euros in the same year. The majority of exports in 2019 consisted of compressors greater than 0.4 kW, with hermetic or semi-hermetic models accounting for nearly 55-60% and those without this feature making up approximately 35-40%. In imports, compressors greater than 0.4 kW without hermetic or semi-hermetic features represented nearly 45-50%, while those with these features comprised around 35-40%. Domestic consumption of refrigerant compressors in France was estimated to be around 240 million euros in 2018. This figure reflects the quantity of domestic production, augmented by imports and reduced by exports. Innovation remains a critical factor in the market, with ecological efficiency and the impact on global warming becoming increasingly significant considerations. Innovations such as the Coldinnov reactor demonstrate the market's pivot towards environment-friendly solutions that substantially reduce electricity consumption, sometimes by up to 70%. Other innovations include Embraco's Wisemotion technology, a lubricant-free compressor aimed at minimizing noise pollution while enhancing energy efficiency. Furthermore, companies are also working to reduce their dependency on the oil market, as price volatility affects the stability of the compressors' operation. Some companies have even decided to cease operations in compressor manufacturing in favor of focusing on more sustainable business ventures. In conclusion, the refrigeration compressor market has witnessed a decrease in production, fluctuation in foreign trade, and a continuing need for innovation, with a solid push towards more sustainable and environmentally beneficial solutions. The market, therefore, is experiencing restructuring to adapt to these new demands and market conditions..### Profile of Prominent Market Players in the Refrigerant Compressor Industry The landscape of the refrigerant compressor market is studded with major global entities, each unique in its offerings and strategic market positioning. Here's a look at some of the key market players who are driving growth and innovation in this domain. **LG Electronics Inc.** South Korean conglomerate LG is a household name, synonymous with a range of electronic products. With innovation at its core, LG has been a significant force in the refrigerant compressor market, offering advanced solutions that often set industry benchmarks for efficiency and reliability. Their products are widely used in household and commercial appliances, emphasizing energy conservation and smart technology. **Daikin Industries, Ltd.** Daikin stands as a global leader in air conditioning solutions, and by extension, plays an influential role in the refrigerant compressor market. The company is known for its commitment to sustainability and its strategic focus on environmentally friendly refrigerant solutions. Daikin's cutting-edge technology in compressors is a result of a constant pursuit of efficiency and utility in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. **Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.** Another renowned South Korean company, Samsung, ventures beyond its well-known consumer electronics segment to make impressive strides in the refrigerant compressor market. Their innovative approach often leads to products that are both technologically sophisticated and user-friendly, which has helped establish their presence in this specialized industry. **Danfoss A/S** Denmark's Danfoss is pivotal in shaping the refrigerant compressor market with a strong focus on energy-efficient solutions. The company's extensive range of compressors is designed to cater to a broad spectrum of applications, highlighting their adaptability and engineering excellence. **Bitzer SE** Bitzer is a key player in refrigeration and air conditioning compressor technology. As a specialist in its field, the company's products are marked by quality and durability. The Germany-based company's commitment to innovation is evident in its wide array of products tailored to different market needs, from supermarkets to transport refrigeration. **Sanyo-Panasonic** Resulting from the acquisition of Sanyo by Panasonic, this entity combines the strengths of both companies to impact the refrigerant compressor market. Sanyo-Panasonic is notably forward-thinking in its adoption of CO2 as a favored refrigerant, a move in line with global sustainability trends. **Johnson Controls** With a broad portfolio that encompasses automotive parts and HVAC equipment, Johnson Controls extends its market influence into the realm of refrigerant compress
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 01/09/2023
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Refrigerant compressors are thermodynamic machine components that are used to compress refrigerant gas to produce heat transfer . They are used in many areas, such as the ' household appliances, transport, building and industry and are found in different types of products, such as refrigerators, freezers, refrigerated vehicles and air conditioners.

The refrigerant compressor market is a small sector dominated by a handful of international players . These are mainly located in Germany, Japan and the United States s. The european production of refrigerating compressors (code amounted to 2.6 billion in 2019, in decline since 2017.

In France, the manufacture of refrigeration compressors is associated with the code NAF 28.25Z : manufacture of industrial aeraulic and refrigeration equipment. This market is highly concentrated as the number of establishments increased from 979 in 2008 to 700 in 2018

Firms in difficulty have been absorbed by the cold giants such as GEA Refrigeration which includes 39 companies. At the same time, Anglo-Saxon fashion consisting of rebuild used compressors is gaining ground in Europe and is of increasing interest to manufacturers

Standards in force the recent years' efforts to combat global warming have significantly altered the market outlook The phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) is forcing manufacturers to increase their research budgets.. The use of CO2 is currently the technique favoured by manufacturers such as Sanyo which already offers CO2 compressors suitable for small industrial refrigerators.

Liste des graphiques

  • Production européenne de compresseurs frigorifiques
  • Part des principaux acteurs dans la production européenne
  • Evolution de la production par pays
  • Ventes annuelles de réfrigérateurs
  • Ventes annuelles de congélateurs
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Dernières actualités

Samsung Digital City à Suwon - 27/07/2023
  • Samsung détient une part de marché supérieure à 60 % dans les ventes de smartphones en Corée du Sud.
  • Samsung est le groupe numéro un mondial des ventes de smartphones et de téléviseurs.
  • Plus de 37.000 salariés travaillent à Suwon, le campus de Samsung.
  • Les installations de Suwon s'étendent sur plus de 170 hectares
Samsung remporte la bataille clé de la puce gravée en 3 nanomètres - 30/06/2022
  • Samsung enclenche la production de masse de semi-conducteurs usant d'une gravure exceptionnellement fine
  • Cette génération de puces possède une finesse de gravure de 3 nm  
  • Les plus grands fondeurs de la planète rivalisent d'investissements gigantesques pour réduire constamment la gravure qui porte les transistors de leurs semi-conducteurs afin de proposer aux concepteurs de ces puces des solutions de fabrication toujours plus performantes
  • Réduction de consommation d'énergie de 45 % et une amélioration de puissance de 23 % par rapport à des produits gravés en 5 nm
  • Sur 2022, TSMC déploie 42 milliards d'euros dans la modernisation et l'expansion de ses fonderies

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Daikin (France)
Panasonic Sanyo Electric
Johnson Controls
GEA Refrigeration (GEA Bock)
GEA Bock
Mondial Frigo Groupe
Tecumseh products co
Emerson climate technologies (Groupe Emerson)

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the refrigerant compressor market | France

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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 01/01/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Daikin (France)
  • 03/08/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Daikin (France)
  • 25/07/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Danfoss
  • 02/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Daikin (France)
  • 21/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Samsung Electronics
  • 21/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Johnson Controls Hitachi Air
  • 01/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Daikin (France)
  • 17/01/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Samsung Electronics 1
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