
The global green space maintenance market has experienced a dynamic shift since 2020, reflecting a growing appreciation for urban greenery and sustainable practices. France, in particular, has seen significant trends with metrics to consider from recent years, indicating progressive changes in this market. While earlier data pointed to a decrease in France's landscaping market from 2014 to 2016, dipping to €5.14 billion, with green space maintenance accounting for 44.5% at €2.29 billion, more recent figures allude to increases in public and private investment in landscape protection. The French sector has shown rising investment in maintenance equipment and vehicles by landscaping companies from €210 million in 2012 to €315 million in 2016. Moreover, environmental considerations have taken center stage in France, with 93% of French people favoring less manicured, pesticide-free green spaces as of 2016. This eco-conscious trend is complemented by the rise of the Do-It-Yourself movement and tool-sharing platforms, which encourage individuals to take a hands-on approach to maintaining their green areas, potentially affecting professional services' demand. Despite these shifts, the French market remains highly fragmented, with many small businesses averaging 2.2 employees and €176,000 in turnover as of 2017, with market leaders such as IdVerde holding only a modest 5.5% share. The market is also witnessing an increased number of employed and self-employed individuals in the sector, growing by 40% from 65,400 people in 2004 to 91,800 in 2016. New, eco-friendly maintenance alternatives like ecopastoralism are gaining popularity, offering more sustainable solutions for urban spaces. Pricing for maintenance services varies based on factors like company size, garden dimensions, and work hours, and incentives such as tax credits further influence customer decisions. Finally, regulatory measures, especially concerning pesticide use, are pivotal, with professionals requiring "Certiphyto" and "Certibiocide" certifications to use certain products. These regulations, along with public sentiment against pesticides, hint at a significant impending impact on the market due to legal and environmental policy shifts..Title: **Evolving Landscapes: Trends and Figures in France's Green Space Maintenance Market** The French market for green space maintenance has been witnessing several definitive trends, reflective of changing public attitudes, environmental concerns, and sectoral dynamics. Notably, green spaces have increased by nearly 15% since the 1980s, making up about 40% of urban land in France's top 50 cities. This heightened interest in green spaces mirrors rising urban quality of life indicators. Despite the evident importance of green spaces, the landscaping sector, inclusive of maintenance services, experienced a contraction, declining by approximately 3.7% between 2014 and 2016 to reach a value close to EUR 5.14 billion. This contraction could be attributed to a 7% fall in public orders. However, within the landscaping sector, maintenance tasks take up a substantial portion, accounting for about 44.5% of the activities. Public and private investments, which include spending on biodiversity and landscape protection, have seen significant growth. Public expenditure on these areas surged to around EUR 1.17 billion in 2013 with a further increment to EUR 5 billion in environmental policy spending by 2019. Concurrently, investments from landscape companies leaped by 50% from between EUR 200 to 300 million in 2012 to between EUR 300 to 400 million in 2016. In terms of demand shifts, there is a growing trend towards more eco-friendly practices. Public disdain for pesticides is reflected in the 93% of citizens favouring pesticide-free, wilder green spaces. There also appears to be a demand gap, with 82% of French people perceiving a shortage of green spaces in shopping centers. The Do It Yourself culture sees increasing traction, mainly due to equipment rental options and collaborative economy platforms facilitating affordable maintenance alternatives to professional services. Green space maintenance in France is predominantly driven by public procurement and private companies rather than individual clients. Employment in the market rose by an impressive 40% from around 65,000 individuals in 2004 to between 90,000 and 95,000 in 2016. In juxtaposition with these numbers, pricing for green space maintenance services offers a window into the labor costs associated with the sector. For professional services, costs may range anywhere from approximately EUR 20 to over EUR 60 per hour, depending on the nature of the service rendered. For private individuals, market rates similarly fluctuate based on factors like garden size and hours of labor.### Key Players Steering the Green Space Maintenance Market Landscape The green space maintenance market is a diverse arena, with various types of players from different segments contributing to the vibrancy of the industry. From large-scale service providers to specialty tool retailers, these companies play a crucial role in shaping the landscaping experience for both public and private areas. Without further ado, let's delve into a brief overview of the prominent entities that are cultivating growth and innovation in green space upkeep. #### Leading Service Providers: - **SEGEX Group**: Renowned for its comprehensive green space management offerings, SEGEX Group has grabbed the attention of many with its high-quality maintenance services that cater to an array of client requirements, covering everything from routine upkeep to ambitious landscaping projects. - **Robert Paysage**: With a strong focus on tailored solutions, Robert Paysage has established a reputation for delivering personalized landscape designs and maintenance plans that resonate with the individualistic desires of their clients, creating harmonious and aesthetically pleasing green spaces. - **Daniel Moquet**: Setting itself apart by specializing in hard landscaping, Daniel Moquet extends an innovative approach to the market, focusing on driveways, patios, and garden paths, thus contributing to the overall charm and functionality of the outdoor space. - **Green Style**: As a company that prides itself on eco-friendly practices, Green Style is at the forefront of sustainable green space maintenance, offering services that ensure the health and longevity of urban greenery while minimizing environmental impact. - **ID Verde**: With an extensive portfolio of landscape management projects under its belt, ID Verde is a key player that offers end-to-end services from design to maintenance, catering to vast municipal as well as private client bases. #### Influential Product Suppliers: - **Nufarm**: Known for its agricultural and turf management products, Nufarm supplies a catalog of essential plant protection and plant health solutions, aiding professionals in maintaining the vitality of green spaces. - **France Environnement**: Championing ecological practices, France Environnement provides environmentally friendly products that support sustainable landscaping methodologies. - **Euro Vert**: Catering to both professional landscapers and gardening enthusiasts alike, Euro Vert is a go-to supplier for a wide range of gardening tools and products, ensuring quality and reliability. #### Tool Distribution Giants: - **Leroy Merlin**, **Castorama**, and **Mr. Bricolage**: As behemoths in the DIY retail space, these companies offer a plethora of gardening tools and equipment to facilitate maintenance needs, making them accessible to professionals and hobbyists. - **
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 12/12/2019
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1 Market summary

1.1 Presentation and definition of the green space maintenance market

The market for green spaces refers to all services related to the management of green spaces as well as the products and equipment used to carry out these services

According to the the Green Cities Observatory in France, 40% of urban land (among the 50 largest cities in France surveyed) is green space in the broad sense (gardens, lawns, wooded areas) .

This data is often considered an important indicator of quality of life in urban areas Since the 1980s, the average surface area of green space per inhabitant has increased by almost 15% according to the same source

The services that are being developed accordingly are cleaning activities , planting , lawn maintenance , lawns and meadows s, tree maintenance , plant care , watering or waste management . The market also includes products such as seeds , the fertilizer products or the plant protection products used in the the interview of green space.

The market for green spaces is therefore closely linked to the market for landscaping (the creation and maintenance of public or private parks and gardens) and to garden centre tools in France which are involved in the maintenance and renovation of green spaces .

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Dernières actualités

Record de 10 franchises pour Irrijardin en 2022. - 10/04/2023
  • Chiffre d'affaires d'IrriJardin en 2022 : 132 M€ (+ 4 %).
  • Nombre de bassins installés en France : 3 millions, représentant 0,15% de l'utilisation de l'eau au niveau national, soit environ 40 millions de m3 par an.
  • Fuites des réseaux français d'eau potable : plus d'1 milliard de m3 d'eau gaspillée chaque année.
  • Nombre de professionnels du secteur de la piscine en France : 60 000.
  • Croissance du chiffre d'affaires d'IrriJardin ces 5 dernières années : 80%.
  • Nombre de salariés d'IrriJardin : 800
  • Objectif d'IrriJardin pour 2023 : ouverture de 10 nouvelles franchises, atteindre un total de 148 magasins.
Irrijardin a ouvert un record de dix franchises en 2022 - 03/04/2023
  • Ouverture de 10 nouveaux magasins en franchise en 2022.
  • Recrutement de 102 personnes en 2022.
  • Croissance de 80% au cours des 5 dernières années.
  • Chiffre d'affaires enseigne prévisionnel pour 2023 : 138,4 millions d'euros.
  • Prévision d'ouverture de 10 nouveaux magasins en France en 2023, portant le réseau à 150 points de vente.
  • Ouverture d'un premier magasin à l'étranger, à Marrakech, Maroc.
  • Construction d'une future plateforme logistique à Meaux, France.
Robert Paysage recrute des réfugiés - 26/03/2023
  • - 150 salariés
  • - 16 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires annuel
  • - 90 % des revenus réalisés avec des marchés publics
Daniel Moquet veut doubler sa production de dalles en béton - 21/01/2023
  • Nouvelle ligne de production de dalles en béton en Saône-et-Loire
  • Fabrication des éléments en béton et en pierre reconstituée
  • Investissement de 1,5 millions € pour doubler la production de dalles en béton
  • Le groupe Daniel Moquet est composé de 3 réseaux de franchise Le chiffre d'affaires cumulé de ces trois réseaux atteint 285 millions d'euros en 2022
Husqvarna va remiser ses tondeuses à essence - 21/10/2022
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  • suppression de 1 000 postes
  • détenu à 33 % par le holding Investor de la famille Wallenberg
  • 28 sites de production,  14.600 personnes.



Jardiland: services clés en main pour l'entretien du jardin - 13/10/2022
  • 176 magasins en France, dont une centaine en succursale 2021
  • chiffre d’affaires de près de 800 millions d’euros TTC
  • 36 magasins proposent des services: montage de mobilier de jardin, plantation d’arbres et arbustes, rempotage de plantes, tonte de gazon, taille de haies, élaboration d’un potager, mise en service de barbecue, installation de serre, engazonnement, etc

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

SEGEX Groupe
Robert Paysage
Daniel Moquet
Green Style
ID Verde Groupe
France Environnement
Euro Vert
Jardiland (Groupe Teract)
Gamm Vert (Teract Groupe)
Pera paysages
Serrault Jardin

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the market for the maintenance of green spaces | France

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