
The global market for heating and cooling networks is growing, with European countries such as Russia and China leading the way in network development. Almost 6,000 district heating networks existed in Europe, representing 11-12% of energy needs, but France had a lower penetration rate. However, the French market has experienced an upward trajectory, with the use of renewable and recovered energies in heating networks.

The main market players are ENGIE and EDF, who dominate through subsidiaries, as well as smaller, dynamic players such as Coriance and Idex. Energy deliveries from networks are expected to rise between 2012 and 2028, and French households are increasingly interested in renewable energy heating networks. The French government is focusing on improving these networks by 2030 through targeted actions to boost competitiveness and innovation.

Heat and cooling networks in France: a pillar of urban energy transition

In terms of economic impact, networks are price-competitive with other heating solutions and contribute to the sustainable development of cities, particularly in the context of smart city initiatives. Overall, district heating and cooling networks are set to play an important role in achieving green energy targets, with France having set itself the ambitious goal of tripling the amount of energy supplied by district heating and cooling networks by 2010. of energy supplied by networks by 2030 In recent years, demand for district heating and cooling networks has grown palpably, a trend that looks set to accelerate in the future. These systems reflect a move towards sustainable energy solutions, taking advantage of local energy resources that are difficult to harness using traditional methods.

Demand for heat networks, particularly in the residential sector, represents a significant proportion of energy deliveries, with housing accounting for over half and the tertiary sector for almost a third of total distribution. Interestingly, while cooling networks are less widespread, they are experiencing an upward growth trajectory as the need for efficient air-conditioning solutions increases, exacerbated by factors such as global warming, growing urban populations and increasing use of electronic devices.

Two major players dominate this market in France: ENGIE and EDF, which operate through subsidiaries, hold a significant share of the segment. However, there is room for smaller entities such as Coriance and Idex to carve out niches, indicating that the market is not entirely closed to competition. In terms of geographical distribution, heating networks are particularly well developed in the Île-de-France region, but the energy used by cooling networks is in the majority.however, most of the energy used by cooling networks is produced in the same region, indicating a disparity in deployment between other regions.

In addition, the French market is committed to the adoption of renewable and recovered energies, which now account for around 59% of the energy mix used by heating networks, a sharp increase on previous years. In addition, there has been a shift in public opinion towards these networks, with a significant percentage of French residents showing an interest in connecting to these systems once they have been informed of their operation and benefits.

Legislation, such as the Grenelle laws and the law on energy transition for green growth, support this market and aim to increase by a factor of five the amount of heat and cold coming from renewable or recovered sources. Furthermore, economic performance indicators show that thermal density and investment in modernization are key to improving economic competitiveness. Sales in the heating and cooling network installation sector have soared, posting a compound annual growth rate in recent years.

It appears that the long-term stability and cost-competitiveness of these networks are probably key factors in their growing acceptance and implementation, which is strongly supported by the market.this is strongly supported by the French government's commitment to increase penetration from around 5% to an ambitious target of 25% by 2050.

Key players driving the French district heating and cooling market

In the evolving landscape of the French district heating and cooling market, several leading players are making significant inroads. These companies not only contribute to market growth, but also play an essential role in the sustainable transformation of energy distribution systems in urban environments.

  • Engie is at the forefront of this market thanks to its subsidiaries, which play an essential role in the development and operation of heating and cooling networks. Engie's commitment to energy solutions is reflected in strategic business units such as Cofely and Climespace, the latter of which operates one of the world's most extensive cooling networks in Paris.
  • EDF, another major player through its subsidiary Dalkia, manages a considerable number of networks across France. Dalkia is renowned for its innovative solutions such as the "smart grid thermique", which symbolizes the intersection of technology and energy distribution, harnessing real-time data for optimized performance. Companies such as
  • Idex and Coriance represent the dynamic, specialized segment of the market that has succeeded in establishing itself alongside giants such as ENGIE and EDF. These smaller but agile companies have found their place and are contributing to healthy competition within the industry.

The growth and influence of these companies cannot be overestimated, as they continue to shape the French market through their reseau operations, while doing so in an environmentally-friendly way that aligns with broader national goals for sustainability and energy efficiency.

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 20/04/2021
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

A heat network is a set of one or more power plants (heat) that distribute of heat in a city or housing estate through the use of underground pipes most often installed under roads. Then, some delivery stations deliver heat to buildings connected to the network (individuals, companies or communities).

It is therefore a centralised heat distribution system that makes it possible to exploit all local energy resources. The setting up of heating networks also gives the possibility of using on a large scale local energies that cannot be used by other methods of heating (industrial waste heat or heat from waste incineration, geothermal energy on aquifers, heat from cogeneration plants, etc.).

Less common, the cold networks have a similar operation, but in reverse They collect the heat in the buildings they serve and discharge it to a central cooling plant.

In Europe, northern and eastern countries tend to make greater use of these heating and cooling network systems, with penetration rates often exceeding 50% compared to 5% in France for heating networks For their part, cooling networks only represent a small part of the cooling market, whereas they are particularly developed in countries such as Japan or the Middle East

However, the French market has been growing for the last ten years . The growth in the number of networks and the quantity of energy delivered should be very significant in the coming decades if we believe the objectives set by the government, which sees it as a way to decarbonise the heating and cooling of buildings. In fact, in heating networks, the share of renewable and recovered energy used has increased from about 31% in 2009 to almost 59% in 2019.  

ENGIE and EDF dominates the market through their subsidiaries, but smaller dynamic players are also present on the market - such as Coriance and Idex

Liste des graphiques

  • Taux de pénétration des réseaux de chaleur dans quelques pays européens
  • Production et distribution de vapeur et d'air conditionné (marché intérieur et export)
  • Répartition des livraisons de réseaux de chaleur en 2019
  • Répartition des 6 800 emplois directs dans les réseaux de chaleur et de froid
  • Bouquet énergétique des réseaux de chaleur (énergie entrante)
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Dernières actualités

Le plan de Veolia pour grandir dans l'énergie - 13/01/2024
  • Le groupe réalise déjà un quart de son chiffre d'affaires (un peu plus de 10 milliards sur presque 43 milliards d'euros en 2022) avec l'exploitation de réseaux de chaleur, la valorisation énergétique des déchets et des eaux usées, ou encore avec des services en lien avec l'énergie.
  • Le groupe, qui se positionne dans le domaine de « l'énergie locale décarbonante », et l'estime globalement à 500 milliards d'euros en Europe à horizon 2030
  • Les services en rapport avec l'efficacité énergétique des bâtiments et de l'industrie pourraient représenter un marché de 200 milliards d'euros de revenus en 2030
  • La fourniture d'énergie verte et les réseaux de chauffage ou de froid peserait en 2030 150 milliards. 
  • L'exploitation de réseaux de chaleur est la principale activité dans l'énergie de Veolia (5,9 milliards d'euros de revenus en 2022),
  • Veolia opère plus de 500 réseaux.
Décarbonation : Idex s'arme pour passer à l'offensive - 18/12/2023
  • Idex revendique aujourd'hui un chiffre d'affaires de 2,3 milliards d'euros pour un excédent brut d'exploitation d'environ 150 millions d'euros.
  • Idex ambitionne de doubler son excédent brut d'exploitation d'ici à cinq ans.
  • Un concurrent, Coriance, numéro quatre dans les réseaux de chaleur en France avec un chiffre d'affaires de 350 millions d'euros, revendique lui aussi l'ambition de doubler de taille d'ici à 2030.
  • Selon Benjamin Fremaux, président du groupe Idex, le marché des réseaux de chaleur reçoit aujourd'hui environ une douzaine d'offres par an, contre deux ou trois il y a quelques années.
  • Idex a déjà 18.000 bâtiments en portefeuille.
Veolia en passe de céder sa filiale d'ingénierie SADE - 27/11/2023
  • Le chiffre d'affaires annuel de la SADE s'élève à environ 1,1 milliard d'euros en 2022.
  • L'effectif de la SADE est d'environ 6900 collaborateurs.
BTP : Firalp et Plattard auront une seconde plateforme de recyclage - 18/10/2023
  • Capacité de traitement visée : 150.000 tonnes par an
  • Nombre de salariés Plattard : 615
  • Chiffre d'affaires Plattard : 263 millions d'euros
  • Nombre de salariés Firalp : 3.000
  • Chiffre d'affaires Firalp : 450 millions d'euros
Veolia veut tripler sa production d'eau recyclée dans le monde - 03/07/2023
  • Veolia s'engage à tripler sa production d'eau recyclée d'ici à 2030, la portant à 3 milliards de m3 à terme.
  • Le groupe a produit 1 milliard de m3 d'eau recyclée l'année dernière, soit l'équivalent de la consommation annuelle de 18 millions d'habitants.
  • Veolia dispose de 250 sites de recyclage de l'eau dans 18 pays.
  • Le recyclage de l'eau dans le monde est estimé à seulement 11 % 
  • Les taux de réutilisation des eaux usées atteignent 89 % en Israël, 40 % à Singapour, 15 % en Espagne et moins de 1 % en France.
  • Le potentiel de réutilisation des eaux usées en France est de 1,6 milliard de m3.
  • Veolia a acquis des compétences supplémentaires en matière de filtration de l'eau par traitement membranaire grâce à son OPA sur le groupe Suez.
Veolia : « Le rapprochement avec Suez est un véritable succès » | Veolia et Suez : Une réussite ! - 18/06/2023
  • 40 000 nouveaux collaborateurs.
  • Taux de souscription de l'actionnariat salarié : 42 %.
  • Salariés détenant 6,5 % du capital du groupe.
  • Chiffre d'affaires supplémentaire de l'acquisition : environ 10 milliards d'euros.
  • Chiffre d'affaires total du nouveau Veolia en 2022 : 43 milliards d'euros.
  • Groupe présent dans le top 3 de leurs métiers : France, Espagne, Australie, États-Unis, Chili, etc.
  • Marché mondial de la transformation écologique : 2 550 milliards d'euros.
  • Croissance organique de Veolia en 2022 hors rachat de Suez : 15 %.

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Véolia Groupe
CPCU (Engie Groupe)
Compagnie de Chauffage

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the market for heating and cooling networks | France

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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 01/01/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Dalkia
  • 18/12/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Idex 2
  • 18/10/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Firalp
  • 03/08/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Idex
  • 03/08/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Dalkia
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Ademe
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Compagnie de Chauffage
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise CPCU (Engie Groupe)
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Barriquand
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Cerema
  • 02/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Idex
  • 02/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Dalkia
  • 21/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Véolia Groupe
  • 23/01/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Véolia Groupe

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