
The global LED market, which comprises different segments ranging from chip manufacturing to complete lighting solutions, has seen strong momentum and innovation, contributing to its wide application in various industries such as automotive, healthcare, consumer electronics, and more. from 2020 onwards, the market is expected to continue its growth trajectory at a compound annual growth rate of 14.4%, potentially reaching $109 billion by 2025. This expansion is partly due to strict regulations favoring energy-efficient LEDs over traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs, as seen in Europe where these bulbs have been phased out. The French domestic market, in particular, has seen significant growth, with double-digit increases in LED sales volumes.

While France has a trade deficit in LEDs, with imports exceeding exports, the country's demand is being driven by sectors such as residential and public lighting, as well as by the rise of connected objects. Major global players in the market include Cree, Signify (formerly Philips) and emerging French startups such as Aledia and Lucibel, which are innovating with 3D LED technology and applications beyond lighting. Despite a declining workforce in the French manufacturing industry, the LED market remains a promising sector due to its evolving technology and growing cost competitiveness

Expansion of the LED market in France

While the global market is witnessing the growing popularity of LED (light-emitting diode) technology, France is also experiencing significant growth in its domestic LED market. With a diverse range of segments from residential lighting to automotive applications, and the search for energy-efficient solutions, this market is at the crossroads of economic development and environmental considerations. The French LED market has seen impressive double-digit growth, with an estimated value of around one billion euros. The explosion in demand can be attributed to a number of factors, including the strict regulatory framework that encourages environmentally-friendly products. This framework, which has led to the phasing out of incandescent bulbs and the reduction in the use of halogen bulbs, has made LED lighting an accessible and, often, the only choice for consumers on the market.

In terms of volume, sales of LED lamps are showing a strong upward trend, with figures rising from 85-90 million units to 125-130 million units, a staggering growth of around 46%. This development goes hand in hand with the low-energy regulations and high-efficiency solutions for which LEDs are renowned. The lighting sector is one of the most important spheres influencing demand for LEDs. This sector encompasses different types of user, such as residential, public and commercial lighting, as well as industrial applications. For example, public lighting, a segment estimated at around 9.5 million light points, represents a substantial potential market for LED technology, given the size of the old stock to be replaced.

Thanks to their cost savings and energy efficiency, LEDs are an attractive investment for local authorities. The gradual adoption of LED street lighting is in line with the national objective of reducing public energy consumption, which currently accounts for up to 41% of municipal electricity expenditure.

Similarly, the domestic lighting sector is fertile ground for LED expansion, given that lighting represents a significant electricity expense for households. Another factor driving the expansion of the French LED market is the emergence of connected objects and smart home appliances. LEDs, by their very nature as electronic components, are intrinsically part of the booming field of connected objects.

With the market for connected objects exceeding one billion euros, of which smart home appliances are a substantial component, the LED industry has everything to gain from this accelerating demand.

Despite the presence of international giants dominating global LED production, several French start-ups are making headway, contributing to diversification and innovation within the domestic market. These ambitious companies are exploring new applications for LED technology beyond basic lighting

Global LED lighting titans

The LED market is characterized by a constellation of giants and dynamic players who exert considerable influence on the industry.

  • Cree is a success story in the LED sector. With a long tradition of innovation, Cree has firmly established itself on the global market, known for its solid research and development initiatives aimed at pushing back the boundaries of LED technology.
  • Signify, formerly known as Philips Lighting, is another key player worthy of our attention. A venerable name in the world of lighting, Signify has fully embraced the LED era, making it the core of its business. The company boasts an extensive portfolio encompassing a variety of LED lighting solutions - a fact underscored by the sales volume it generates with LED products alone.
  • Osram Osram, with its German heritage of engineering excellence, continues to be a beacon in the world of lighting. It remains a central force in the LED market, although recent headlines about the AMS acquisition effort signal possible changes on the horizon. In any case, Osram's commitment to high-quality LED manufacturing keeps it at the forefront of the industry.

East Asia's technological vanguards:

  • Nichia and Seoul Semiconductor are technological vanguards. These companies, based in regions renowned for their technological prowess, have leveraged their local expertise and global vision to capture major shares of the LED market. Their relentless pursuit of innovation and efficiency defines their market stature and drives the industry forward.

French innovators :

  • Aledia and Lucibel While France doesn't carry the same weight in LED chip production as some of its international counterparts, it is home to innovative companies that are carving out a niche for themselves with pioneering applications of LED technology.
  • Aledia, the French start-up based in Grenoble, is forging ahead with its advanced 3D LED technology, which promises to revolutionize displays thanks to superior energy efficiency and luminance. The ambition and innovative spirit embodied by Aledia is evident in the significant investments made to bring its revolutionary technology to mass production.
  • Lucibel goes beyond conventional applications by exploring the potential of LEDs for well-being and communication. With its distinct product lines, such as Cronos for imitating natural sunlight, LiFi for secure Internet access and VLC for indoor geoolocation, Lucibel demonstrates an inventive reimagining of how LEDs can be used to improve our lives.
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 08/11/2020
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1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and scope of study

The light-emitting diode (LED or LED by anglicism) is a electronic component generating light when an electric current passes through it.

The LED market is composed of several segments, including, in the order of the processing chain This includes the manufacture of the chip, the assembly of the LED module (also called LED package), the LED bulb and finally the LED lamp (the complete luminaire). [ Bpi France ]

The LED market is experiencing a very strong dynamism for several years, with a multiplication of innovations and new solutions. Thus, the field of application of LED technology now covers a very wide latitude, from lighting for private individuals to the automotive industry, including health, medicine, connected objects, televisions, smartphones..

This broadening of the scope of possibilities for LED technology places this market at the heart of many economic and future challenges, intensifying competition between the world's electronics giants and innovative new entrants positioned in niche market sub-segments.

1.2 The global market: a growing market

In ****, the global LED market was estimated at $**.** billion. Forecast data indicates that the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of **.*% over the period ****-****, reaching a market of nearly $*** billion in ****. [***]

The data below includes both LEDs as a simple electronic component but also all their derivatives and ...

1.3 The domestic market is experiencing double-digit growth

In ****, the French lighting market was estimated at *.* billion euros. Considering that the market shares previously given at the global level also apply to France, it can be estimated that the French LED market (***) is worth approximately * billion euros.

In terms of volume, in ****, the number of LED lamps sold in ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Lighting in France

The primary interest of a LED is its creation of light, and as such, one of the main sectors determining demand is that of lighting. Lighting in France covers many segments and types of users: from residential to public lighting, including industry, commerce and offices.

Worldwide, total electricity consumption for street ...

2.2 The development of connected objects drives the demand for LEDs

LEDs, as an electronic component, are a central part of connected objects, and the worldwide demand for LEDs is therefore taking full advantage of the boom in these objects. Unlike other types of lamps, LEDs are electronic components and as such can be integrated into circuits and thus into many connected ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Structure of the electronic component manufacturing activity in France

The manufacture of light-emitting diodes falls within Class **.**Z of the current NAF classification entitled "Manufacture of electronic components". This category includes several activities, including the manufacture of LEDs, but also the manufacture of electronic resistors, printed circuits, transformers, etc. [***]

The scope associated with the data provided below is therefore broader ...

3.2 The world's LED manufacturing giants

While there are a few French players specialising in the manufacture of LEDs and derivative solutions, LED production remains concentrated in the hands of a few global giants. Indeed, the very heavy investments in R

Among the global giants in the sector are Nichia, Osram (***) and Seoul Semiconductor.

Source: ****

Signify, world ...

3.3 French LED start-ups

Although France is still weak in the production of LEDs, the country has an increasing number of companies and start-ups specialising in their use.


The Grenoble-based start-up Aledia, founded in ****, has developed a *D LED solution based on more than *** patents that could revolutionize the display. This technology offers both ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 A complex and innovative technological product

An LED (***). [***]

Classification of LEDs

LEDs can be classified according to different criteria:

Their colour: LEDs can be white or coloured Their power: LEDs can be said to be low power (***). High-power LEDs provide more light, with a ratio of up to *** lumens per Watt of power.

Composition of LEDs

Semiconductor ...

4.2 The price competitiveness of LEDs is constantly improving

Price is a key element in understanding the LED market: indeed, the growth of this market is largely conditioned by the evolution of the price competitiveness of LEDs compared to other types of lighting.

The data provided by INSEE for category **.** (***), entitled "Electronic components", are considered below. This category includes LEDs ...

4.3 Spin-off technologies


The acronym OLED stands for organic LED. This technology is used extensively in televisions because it has many advantages: the screens are brighter and more contrasting, and the TV consumes less energy than an LCD TV.

In addition, these components offer increased flexibility, allowing the development of new designs: for ...

5 Regulation

LED market favoured by strict regulations in the lighting market

Since the beginning of the ****s, several successive directives have excluded different bulb models from the European markets, particularly the French market. In ****, incandescent light bulbs will first be withdrawn from the markets. [***]

Similarly, halogen bulbs were withdrawn from the market as of * January **** er september ****. This decision is mainly based ...

5.2 Technical criteria and labelling

In France, LED bulbs and lights must comply with the NF EN *****/A* of **** standards which define the technical criteria that LED luminaires must meet. The standard NF de ****: EN *****, defines the requirements of sécurité́ for LED luminaires. The operating voltage of a LED lamp must not exceed **V alternating ...

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Dernières actualités

Lucibel renforce ses lumières sur la cosmétique de luxe - 28/03/2024
  • - La technologie de photobiomodulation de Lucibel est étudiée depuis plus de cinquante ans.
  • - La filiale parisienne de Lucibel, pionnière dans le domaine de la photobiomodulation, a commercialisé dès 2014 des soins par la lumière pour la beauté.
  • - Lucibel a été créée en 2009.
  • - Le segment de la lumière cosmétique chez Lucibel a généré 1 million d'euros de chiffre d'affaires en 2022, et 2,3 millions d'euros en 2023. Cela représente un quart de son activité totale.
  • - Le chiffre d'affaires global de Lucibel en 2023 est de 9 millions d'euros
  • - 65 salariés à la recherche et au développement.
  • - Lucibel est le deuxième déposant de brevets en Europe dans le domaine de la photothérapie. 
Clareo Lighting lève 35 millions pour booster l'éclairage LED professionnel - 02/02/2024
  • Clareo Lighting souhaite devenir une référence dans l'éclairage LED professionnel en Europe.
  • La société a été lancée en 2012 par Olivier Maschino et Damien Sipos.
  • Le marché français de l'éclairage LED professionnel est estimé à plus de 1 milliard d'euros, avec une hausse attendue de 5 à 10 % par an d'ici à 2028.
  • Le chiffre d'affaires de Clareo Lighting est passé de 15 millions d'euros en 2019 à 40 millions d'euros en 2023.
  • L'entreprise emploie 100 personnes et prévoit de recruter 30 personnes supplémentaires cette année.
  • Elle annonce un premier tour de table de financement de 35 millions d'euros.
  • L'entreprise a lancé une nouvelle gamme de smart lighting, qui permet d'économiser au moins 45 % d'énergie.
  • Clareo Lighting fait face à des concurrents tels que Sylvania, Signify (ex-Philips Lighting), Trilux ou Resistex.
  • La société prévoit une expansion internationale, avec des expériences déjà en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas, au Luxembourg, en Suisse et au Maroc.

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

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Clareo Lighting

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The LED light-emitting diode market | France

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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 04/03/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Lucibel
  • 02/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Clareo Lighting
  • 03/12/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Lucibel
  • 02/09/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Lucibel
  • 20/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Lucibel
  • 21/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Signify
  • 19/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Lucibel
  • 06/02/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Lucibel

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