
As of 2020, the global hazelnut market has experienced significant fluctuations in size and production due to the variability of weather conditions, with Turkey dominating production at 67.2%. Despite a leading position in the market, French production managed by Unicoque faces challenges and strives for expansion with an organic segment showing a 19% growth in spreads consumption in 2020. 

The organic trend continues to influence the market, pushing producers towards more sustainable practices. As the French market adapts to increased health-consciousness and demand for convenient snacking alternatives such as dried fruits, the hazelnut sector navigates the tensions between tradition and innovation, with organic farming and direct consumption remaining significant aspects of the market structure.

Navigating the Nutty Nuances of Hazelnut Demand in France

In the realm of culinary delights, the hazelnut holds a distinguished place in French gastronomy, much of which can be accredited to its extensive use in popular spreads like Nutella. Within France, consumers have a penchant for both large hazelnuts, consumed directly, and small hazelnuts, primarily sold shelled in the market. Despite the fluctuating rates, the global hazelnut market has been on an upward trajectory, seeing an estimated increase of about 30%.

The French market, although dominated by Turkey—the undisputed global leader in hazelnut production—reveals a duality of both threat and opportunity for the French producers. Turkish market dominance is susceptible to the whims of nature, as showcased by the significant dip in Turkish hazelnut production following frost events. Such vulnerabilities spotlight the potential for other players, like France, to step up, especially since Europe remains the world's largest hazelnut consumer. It's interesting to note that France's own production witnessed a rollercoaster of sorts, with a leap from production levels of around 10 to 15 million tons, followed by a slight dip back to around 10 million tons. When it comes to consumption within France, hazelnut consumption presents a peculiar pattern. On the one hand, overall consumption of nuts and seeds experienced a decline of about 13%. On the other hand, hazelnut consumption specifically saw a slight increase of about 4%, suggesting a dedicated following for these nuts.

Diving into the numbers, there were between 5 and 6 million hazelnut consumers in France as of the last available data, each consuming a little over half a kilogram on average annually. However, the real driving force behind the hazelnut demand is the country's love affair with spreads, with Nutella topping the list, and accounting for an impressive consumption of about 10,920 tons of hazelnuts every year, just in this form alone. France's partiality towards this brand and product is noteworthy, with over half of the population regularly indulging in Nutella. Add to this the growing trend of "healthy snacking," and the allure of hazelnuts—as a nutrient-dense and convenient snack—only intensifies. These treats are increasingly seen as more than just flavorful nibbles.

Key Players in the French Hazelnut Market

As the hazelnut market evolves and diversifies in France, several key players have set themselves apart, with significant impacts on production and consumption profiles.

  • Unicoque : Taking center stage in the French hazelnut market is Unicoque, the powerhouse behind a remarkable 95% of the country's hazelnut production. This cooperative has been actively pushing the boundaries of hazelnut cultivation, aiming for more extensive and efficient orchards. With initiatives like the ambitious "10 20 30 project," Unicoque exemplifies the innovative and growth-oriented mindset thriving within the French agricultural sector. Although they did not hit their initial target for 2020, their adjusted goals for 2030 reflect both the high aspirations and practical considerations in hazelnut production.

  • Ferrero : While not a producer, Ferrero is without a doubt one of the main consumers of hazelnuts in France, albeit indirectly. Its iconic product, Nutella, is synonymous with hazelnut spreads, embedding hazelnuts firmly in French food culture and driving demand for the crop. With the brand consuming vast quantities of hazelnuts for their spreads—one of the primary uses of hazelnuts in France—Ferrero remains a pivotal figure in shaping the market dynamics and influencing cultivation practices.

  • Organic Producers : As consumer preferences lean increasingly towards organic and sustainably sourced products, a plethora of organic hazelnut producers are gaining traction. These producers are riding the wave of a more health-conscious and environmentally aware populace, carving out their niche in the hazelnut market. New Aquitaine echoes this trend, with the region standing as the second-largest hub for organic nut cultivators in the nation.

  • Emerging Brands and Competitors : The market is also feeling the presence of small local brands and new entrants that compete with mainstream products like Nutella. Companies like Banania and Milka, with their own hazelnut spreads, alongside organic and palm oil-free alternatives from brands such as Rigoni di Asiago and Basquella, reflect the diversifying preferences of consumers and contribute to a more dynamic market environment.

As the global and French hazelnut markets continue to grow, these key players contribute to a robust and multifaceted industry. They navigate through challenges, leverage opportunities, and reshape the French approach to one of its cherished gastronomic delights. The positioning and strategies of these actors will significantly determine the future trajectory of the market.

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 22/11/2021
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

The hazelnut is an oleaginous seed belonging to the nut family. Originating in Turkey, which is largely the world's leading producer, the hazelnut is used mainly in gastronomy, and more specifically in spreads. There are two main families of French hazelnuts:

  • Large hazelnuts (fertile coutard, corabel, ennis) for direct consumption, dried and/or roasted
  • Small hazelnuts (segorbe, pauetet) often reserved for the shelled market

The global hazelnut market witnessed a strong growth in 2019, as it is estimated to grow at a rate of 33.3% over 2018.

Turkish domination of the hazelnut market is both a threat and an opportunity for French producers, who have been active since the 1970s in Aquitaine. In fact, hazelnuts are very sensitive to weather conditions and a major frost episode in 2014 reduced the Turkish harvest by 40%, leaving room for other players

Although Turkish production has recovered its former level, some competition is starting to appear. Knowing that the South-West of France has an ideal climate for the cultivation of hazelnuts and given that Europe is the largest consumer in the world, France has a real card to play in this quasi-monopolistic market.

The French hazelnut production market is mainly based on one major player, Unicoque, which accounts for almost 95% of production.

As with much of the agricultural sector, organic supply is also making inroads into the hazelnut market in France, as organic spreads grew by 19% in 2020 compared to 2019, with hazelnuts being the main raw material for spreads

Liste des graphiques

  • Évolution de la production mondiale de noisettes
  • Principaux producteurs de noisettes
  • Taille du marché mondial de la noisette
  • Consommation et production de noisettes
  • Commerce extérieur de noix, de noisettes et d'avelines
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Dernières actualités

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  • La modernisation et l'implantation de nouvelles technologies devraient être terminées début 2024.
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Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Chocolaterie Monbana (Buton Groupe)
Cluizel Chocolatier
Mazet Confiserie

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the hazelnut market | France

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  • Quels leviers tirent la croissance du marché et leur évolution ?
  • Quel est le positionnement des entreprises sur la chaine de valeur ?
  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 03/04/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Ferrero
  • 01/03/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Mondelez
  • 02/01/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Ferrero
  • 04/11/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Mondelez
  • 01/10/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Ferrero
  • 03/08/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Mondelez
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Mazet Confiserie
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Cluizel Chocolatier
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Chocolaterie Monbana
  • 21/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Ferrero
  • 02/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Mondelez
  • 20/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Ferrero
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