
The global fuse market, which encompasses devices like general-purpose fuses (gG), motor-accompanying fuses (aM), and ultra-fast fuses, is projected to experience significant growth due to increased demand in various sectors. Expected to expand at a 7.7% CAGR from 2022 to 2031, the market growth is being driven by urbanization, the proliferation of electronic appliances, advancements in automotive electrification, and investments in renewable energies. The Asia-Pacific region, particularly China and India, demonstrates strong growth potential.

In France, the electrical fuse sector saw a revival in 2022 with sales climbing to 9.46 billion euros. However, the production capacity is decreasing. Simultaneously, the country is experiencing a rise in production costs for electrical equipment due to energy price hikes and raw material supply issues. Market leaders like Siemens (€72 billion in sales in 2022) and Schneider Electric (€34.176 billion in 2022), among others, dominate this industry globally, with three French companies including Schneider Electric, Legrand, and Mersen standing out in the market.

Evolving Dynamics of the French Fuse Market

Delving into the French fuse market unveils compelling trends of growth and adaptation influenced by progressive industrialization and technological expansion. The increase in household electronic devices is a prominent contributor to this surge in demand.

In France, residential sectors currently stand as the primary consumers of electrical fuses, followed by the commercial and industrial divisions. A snapshot of the French household landscape reveals between 35 and 40 million housing units, an impressive figure, with over 80% being primary residences. As the average home hosts between 70 and 120 electronic appliances, the demand for fuses naturally accelerates to keep pace with the electrification of modern living spaces.

The automobile industry also emerges as a key stakeholder in the burgeoning fuse market. With the growing propensity for electric vehicles, whose registrations soared by over 300%, the need for automotive fuses continues to ascend. This trend is well-reflected in the rising number of semiconductors per vehicle, which is projected to increase by approximately 35% over a span of six years.

Turning to electronic communications, we observe a prolific rise in the integration of fiber optic technology for internet access, reaching over 15 million premises. Mobile equipment statistics further accentuate this expansion, with active SIM cards numbering close to 80 million, a palpable jump from four years prior.

The shift towards renewable energies has birthed new opportunities for the fuse market. Aligning with France's ambitious goal to hike the share of electricity derived from renewable sources to over 30% by 2028, the renewable energy sector has witnessed record-breaking installations. Despite these flourishing segments, the French fuse market faces its shares of challenges.

The industry reveals a decline in both the number of companies specializing in fuse production and employment figures, shedding close to 10% of its companies and around 1,800 employees within a six-year window. Innovation remains an unrelenting force within this domain, with advancements in solar energy prompting the introduction of specialized fuses suited for the unique requirements of photovoltaic systems. Additionally, the advent of silicon carbide-based automotive fuses promises revolutionary safety and functionality enhancements tailored to electric vehicles. In summation, the French fuse market is akin to a dynamic ecosystem, evolving under the influences of residential and industrial developments, the transformative automotive sector, and the steadfast march toward alternative energy sources. With these sectors fortifying the demand, the fuse market in France displays resilience and adaptability despite facing the winds.

Key Players Shaping the Fuse Market Landscape

The fuse market boasts a diverse array of established companies that have cemented themselves as leaders in the industry, as well as other notable entities that contribute significantly to the sector. These players possess vast expertise across various areas of electrical and electronic components, highlighting their critical roles in the development and distribution of fuse technology.

  • Siemens stands as a technological powerhouse, boasting a broad portfolio that extends beyond fuses into software and technological solutions for several industries. The company's industrial business segment is a testament to its proficiency in addressing complex electrical needs.

  • Schneider Electric is known for its commitment to sustainability and its strengths in digital automation and energy management. The company's offerings play a vital role in the safe distribution and efficient use of electricity across numerous applications.

  • Renowned for its innovation in electrical and digital building infrastructures, Legrand Group is another major player that contributes a wealth of products, including fuses, which ensure the safety and efficiency of electrical systems.

  • ABB has established itself as an industry leader with a significant presence in the realm of power and automation technologies. Their contributions to the fuse market are backed by extensive research and a dedication to advancing the electrical industry's frontiers.

  • Eaton specializes in power management solutions, offering a range of fuses that safeguard electrical systems in various settings from industrial to residential applications, ensuring the integrity and safety of electrical networks.

  • Specialized in providing engineering services and solutions for both industrial and commercial clients, Emerson handles intricate challenges related to electrical safety and operations, including fuse protection for complex systems.

  • French company Mersen is appreciated for its specialization in advanced materials and electrical specialties. Fuses are among the essential components they provide to a range of industries, enhancing safety and performance of electrical systems.

  • Other significant contributors include Gewiss, which is engaged in manufacturing systems and components for low voltage electrical installations, Jean Müller, known for custom-made solutions in low and medium voltage technology, Wöhner, delivering innovative system solutions for the fields of energy distribution, control technology and renewable energies, and Socomec, a specialist in switching and protection solutions for electrical networks. 

Together, these companies offer a comprehensive spectrum of fuse-related products and services that meet the escalating demands for electrical circuit protection in an increasingly electrified and automated world.

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 12/12/2019
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1 Market overview

1.1 Market overview and definition

In electricity and electronics, a fuse is a safety device thatopens an additional electrical circuit when the electric current in the fuse reaches a dangerous level over a period of time, thus reducing the current to zero.lectric current in the fuse reaches a dangerous value over a period of time, thus reducing the current to zero. The function of a fuse is therefore to protect an electrical circuit from short-circuits and overcurrents generated by a fault in the load supplied.

Fuses are used and operated in three main ways (IEC 60269 standard):

  • The general-purpose fuse (gG), which is the most common type used in domestic installations to protect against overloads and short circuits;
  • The motor-accompanying fuse (aM) used for short-circuit protection only, often in motors and transformers;
  • The ultra-fast fuse, used to protect semiconductors.

Global demand for fuses is set to increase over the next few years, driven by the automotive industry and the rise in construction worldwide. As a result, the global fuse market is set to flourish due to the growing need to upgrade increasingly efficient grids, as well as increasing concerns over renewable energy connectivity. According toAllied Market Research, the global market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.7% over the period 2022-2031.

The fuse market is dominated by well-established industrial groups such as Siemens, Schneider Electric, ABB, BEL Fuse, Eaton and Fuji Electric, leaving little room for new entrants.

Liste des graphiques

  • Projection de la taille du marché du fusible
  • Evolution du chiffre d'affaire de la production de materiel de distribution et de commande électrique
  • Les sept premières zones d'exportation de fusible
  • Valeurs des exportations et importations et taux de couverture
  • Les sept principaux importateurs de fusible
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Dernières actualités

Schneider Electric a réalisé la meilleure année de son histoire - 16/02/2024
  • Bénéfice net : 4 milliards d'euros.
  • Chiffre d'affaires : 36 milliards d'euros.
  • Croissance des revenus : 13%.
  • Carnet de commandes pour 2024 : plus de 19 milliards d'euros.
  • Part de marché dans l'infrastructure électrique des data centers : 21% en 2023.
  • Embauches prévues dans le cadre de cet investissement en R&D : 6 000 personnes.
  • Chiffre d'affaires aux États-Unis : plus de 10 milliards d'euros.
  • Capitalisation boursière de Schneider : plus de 100 milliards d'euros.
Legrand mise sur les data centers comme relais de croissance - 15/02/2024
  • Chiffre d'affaires de Legrand en 2023 : 8,4 milliards d'euros
  • Progression du chiffre d'affaires sur l'année : 0,9 %
  • Résultat net en 2023 : 1,14 milliard d'euros
  • Chiffre d'affaires du secteur des équipements pour centres de stockage de données entre 2015 et 2023 : de 200 millions à 1,2 milliard d'euros
  • Ce secteur représente : 15% des revenus globaux du groupe Contre 4% en 2015
  • L'efficacité énergétique représente : 24% du chiffre d’affaires du groupe
  • Cinq acquisitions ont été réalisées cette année, totalisant un chiffre d'affaires de : 190 millions d'euros
Schneider Electric revient dans le club très fermé des entreprises qui pèsent plus de 100 milliards d’euros - 12/12/2023
  • Schneider Electric a une capitalisation boursière de plus de 100 milliards d'euros.
  • Schneider Electric prévoit une expansion annuelle des ventes de 7% à 10% entre 2023 et 2027.
Legrand, spécialiste français du matériel électrique en Italie - 09/12/2023
  • Legrand emploie 38 000 personnes et a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 8,3 milliards d’euros en 2022.
  • Legrand possède 120 usines à travers le monde, dont 10 se trouvent en Italie.
  • L’Italie est le troisième marché mondial de Legrand, qui y réalise 9% de son chiffre d’affaires.
  • Les États-Unis (35%) et la France (15%) sont respectivement le premier et le deuxième marché du groupe.
  • La filiale italienne de Legrand génère un chiffre d'affaires de 1 milliard d’euros, dont 30% sont réalisés à l’international.
  • Les segments résidentiels ne représentent que 40% du chiffre d'affaires mondial de Legrand, dont 12% proviennent du marché du résidentiel neuf.
  • Les data centers représentent 15% de l'activité du groupe.
  • Le chiffre d'affaires de la division data centers de Legrand est estimé à 1,2 milliard, contre 200 millions d’euros six ans plus tôt.
  • Legrand a réalisé une quatrième acquisition en 2023, celle de ZPE Systems.
Legrand met sa filiale italienne Btcino sous tension - 06/11/2023
  • Bticino a été créé en 1936, ce qui fait de l'entreprise une entité presque centenaire.
  • Bticino est devenu une partie du groupe français Legrand en 1989.
  • Bticino représentait un tiers du chiffre d'affaires de Legrand au moment de son acquisition.
  • Legrand réalise 750 millions d'euros, soit 9% de son activité globale en Italie.
  • Les États-Unis comptent pour 35% des ventes de Legrand, tandis que la France représente 15%.
  • 30% des produits fabriqués en Italie par Legrand sont exportés, principalement en Europe.
  • Les produits connectés et l'efficacité énergétique représentent 22% du chiffre d'affaires de Legrand.
  • Legrand possède 10 usines en Italie.
  • L'Italie et la France représentent ensemble 25% de l'empreinte industrielle de Legrand dans le monde.
  • 12% du chiffre d'affaires de Legrand est lié au résidentiel neuf, ce qui est inférieur aux 15% liés aux data centers.
  • Les data centers et l'efficacité énergétique représentent 37% de l'activité globale de Legrand.
  • Au cours des cinq dernières années, Legrand a investi 2 milliards d'euros et réalisé une vingtaine d'opérations de croissance externe.
Conseil, nouveau moteur de Schneider - 28/07/2023
  • Schneider Electric ambitionne de développer son activité de conseil pour atteindre un chiffre d'affaires dépassant le milliard d'euros

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Jean Müller
Legrand Groupe
Schneider Electric
ABB Robotics

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the fuse market | France

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  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 04/02/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise EATON POWER QUALITY
  • 02/10/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise EATON POWER QUALITY
  • 25/07/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Legrand Groupe
  • 25/07/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Schneider Electric
  • 04/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise EATON POWER QUALITY
  • 04/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise ABB Robotics
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Socomec
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Eaton
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Schneider Electric
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Legrand Groupe
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise ABB
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Gewiss
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Wöhner
  • 07/06/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Jean Müller

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