
The global market for edible insects, estimated at $500 million in 2019, is projected to grow significantly, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.7% in 2025. This growth is facilitated by increasing recognition of insects' nutritional benefits and their potential contribution to food security, as well as environmental advantages such as lower greenhouse gas emissions and higher yields compared to traditional livestock. The market is geographically concentrated, with Asia being the most developed, followed by Latin America and Europe.

However, social acceptance and regulatory challenges, particularly in Europe where legislation is complex and varies by country, are major barriers to market expansion. Innovations in primary processing and the B2B segment, notably companies like Ÿnsect and Innovafeed in the animal feed sector, suggest a maturing industry, although the market remains nascent with few key players like Micronutris leading the way in France. Despite the challenges, the market for edible insects is poised for strong growth with evolving consumer attitudes and potential regulatory reforms.

The Reluctance and Gradual Acceptance of Edible Insects in the French Market

The market for edible insects, a practice known as entomophagy, while nutritionally promising and environmentally sustainable, faces considerable challenges in terms of social acceptance within France. Despite the recognition that around 2 billion individuals globally indulge in entomophagy, largely within regions such as Asia Pacific, South America, and Africa, within France, the concept of insect consumption is still largely met with aversion. A survey indicates that around 70 to 40 percent of the French population is not just unfamiliar with entomophagy, but also quite resistant to the idea, with a vast majority indicating they have no intention to incorporate insects into their diet on a regular basis.

Even among the small proportion of French citizens who have experimented with insect consumption, the majority view it as an experiential event rather than a dietary transformation. This reluctance is further supported by surveys showing that approximately 90 to 77 percent of French people have never tried eating insects. Moreover, only a fraction, ranging between 5 and 15 percent, show willingness to consider eating insects even in their natural form, which reflects a significant cultural and psychological barrier to market penetration.

Nevertheless, the market for edible insects is developing, albeit gradually. The role of processing has been identified as a key factor in influencing consumer acceptance, particularly when insects are incorporated into more familiar forms such as flavored snacks, pastries, or used as hidden ingredients. The process of masking the visual and taste identity of insects can dramatically alter perceptions, as evidenced by a high majority of survey respondents expressing their readiness to try insect-based preparations when presented as part of recognizable foods. The market for edible insects and insect-based products in France is primarily concentrated at a handful of stages, including livestock, primary processing, secondary processing, and distribution, with a few enterprises operating across these stages, most notably Micronutris.

The economic potential for this sector is underscored by the global market value, which was estimated to be between $450 and $550 million in 2019, showcasing a substantial compound annual growth rate of around 19.7 percent. Despite these promising figures indicating a booming global industry, the French market remains marginal, hampered by both cultural attitudes and regulatory barriers that have rendered the commercial sale of edible insects officially illegal. The ongoing challenge is to modify consumer perception in France and align regulatory frameworks with the evolving understanding and acceptance of entomophagy as a feasible dietary option. The transition to broader acceptance and market.

Key Industry Pioneers in the Edible Insects Market

Landscape The edible insect market, although nascent, has seen the emergence of several pioneering companies, each contributing to the shaping of this unique industry in various capacities—from breeding and processing to retail. Here, we delve into the landscape of key players who are making strides in the realm of entomophagy and entomoculture.

  • Micronutris Established in 2011 by Cédric Auriol, Micronutris has positioned itself as an innovator and pioneer within the French market for edible insects. The company operates across multiple stages of the industry, encompassing breeding, primary and secondary processing of insects, and distribution. Their product range is diverse, offering everything from natural and flavored insects to energy bars, crackers, and pasta. As the leader of the sector in France, Micronutris is recognized for breaking ground in the industry.
  • Nutri'Earth Specializing in flour made from mealworms, Nutri'Earth targets businesses that prepare recipes with a final consumer in mind—specifically, aiming at senior demographics. This company stands out for its business-to-business approach, highlighting the potential of insect-based ingredients in mainstream food processing.
  • Ynsect Ynsect has made a name for itself in the global insect industry for animal feed rather than human food. Producing insect meal in substantial quantities at pilot sites, the company is on the brink of scaling up significantly. With plants across Europe and plans for expansion into the United States, Ynsect is paving the way for a sustainable protein revolution in animal nutrition.
  • Innovafeed Another key player in the insect feed market, Innovafeed, produces large volumes of insect meal for livestock. Their cutting-edge facility in Nesle is set to ramp up production exponentially, showcasing how industry players are scaling operations to meet the growing demand for sustainable animal feed.
  • Jimini's Jimini's serves as an exemplary case of a transformer in the market that has tapped into the processing and retail segment. They offer a range of products from natural and flavored insects to more palatable offerings such as energy bars and pasta—products that are significantly influencing consumer acceptance of insects as food.
  • Inoveat:  As a unique venture in the restaurant business, Inoveat sources its ingredients from companies like Micronutris to create innovative dishes that blend traditional cuisine with insect-based products, proving that entomophagy can be both gourmet and acceptable in the dining context.
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 24/11/2021
Détail des mises à jour

Sommaire et extraits

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Edible insects refer to the all insects intended for human consumption . This human consumption of insects is called the entomophagy

While edible insects are therefore by definition related to human food, this study also addresses, to a lesser extent, the market for insects for animal feed to highlight the distinctions between the two sectors

There are 4 main steps in the edible insect and insect product chain livestock, primary processing (production of ingredients), secondary processing (production of food products) and distribution . Market participants operate at one or more of these stages

However, the two main barriers to market development are, on the one hand, the social acceptance insects as food and, on the other hand, regulatory barriers, the marketing of edible insects being officially illegal in France .

As the market is in its infancy and regulatory barriers are still present, there are few players in the French sector. At the French level, the market is still marginal, but changes in legislation should mark the acceleration of its development. In addition, insect processing appears to be a solution allowing the gradual acceptance of insects as food. The most developed company is Micronutris The company was founded in 2011 and has distinguished itself as a pioneer in this market. In addition, France stands out in the general insect breeding sector, notably with Ÿinsect and InovaFeed, whose products are intended for animal nutrition

The world marketplace of edible insects was estimated at 500 million in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 19.7% between 2019 and 2025 . The FAO has identified 1,900 species of edible insects in the world and insects would be part of the traditional meals of at least 2 billion people s, mainly in Asia Pacific, South America and Africa


Liste des graphiques

  • Êtes-vous familier avec la tendance des insectes dans la restauration ?
  • Avez-vous déjà goûté des insectes ?
  • Seriez-vous prêts à manger des insectes ?
  • Réponses de la population française à la question "Que pensez-vous de l'idée de consommer des insectes ?"
  • Pourcentage de personnes réfractaires selon le sexe
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Dernières actualités

Insectes : Invers dope ses capacités de production - 31/07/2023
  • Invers a été créée en 2016, emploie 30 salariés.
  • L'entreprise prévoit un chiffre d'affaires de 3 millions d'euros cette année, soit un triplement par rapport à chaque année depuis sa création.
  • Invers a levé 15 millions d'euros il y a un an.
  • Invers vient de mettre en service une unité d'élevage dans un bâtiment de 4000 m² à Saint-Ignat, Puy-de-Dôme.
  • Cette unité d'élevage permettra de produire jusqu'à 5 milliards de larves d'insectes tous les mois.
  • Invers a investi 8 millions d'euros pour l'installation de cette nouvelle unité d'élevage et 1,5 million d'euros pour augmenter sa capacité de transformation des insectes en ingrédients pour la nutrition animale.
  • Avec son nouveau site d'élevage, Invers pourra approvisionner 25 agriculteurs-éleveurs.
  • L'entreprise signe avec ces agriculteurs-éleveurs un contrat de dix ans.
  • Les farines produites par Invers sont utilisées par les acteurs de l'alimentation animale.
Agronutris vendra sa farine d'insectes à BioMar - 22/05/2023
  • Agronutris démarre la fabrication industrielle de farine de larves en juin.
  • Sa production sera vendues au fabricant mondial d'aliments de pisciculture, BioMar, filiale du danois Schouw & Co BioMar possède 17 usines dans le monde et fabrique des aliments pour 45 espèces de poissons et crevettes élevés dans 90 pays.
  • L'usine d'Agronutris est construite dans le Grand Est et traitera 70 000 tonnes d'intrants par an.
  • La pisciculture est en croissance de 3 à 5 % par an.
  • Agronutris produira plusieurs centaines de tonnes de farine en 2023 et prévoit d'atteindre 5 000 tonnes de farine et 1 000 tonnes d'huile par an dans deux ans.
  • L'effectif du site passera de 35 à 70 salariés en deux ans.
  • Agronutris emploie actuellement 85 personnes, dont 50 à Toulouse.
  • L'entreprise a levé 100 millions d'euros en 2021 et prévoit d'ouvrir une deuxième usine dans le Grand Est fin 2025.
  • Agronutris a signé un contrat avec Frayssinet pour valoriser 16 000 tonnes par an de déjections des larves en fertilisants, dans un site à l'étude à Rethel.
Innovafeed élève des mouches à la chaîne en Somme avec IA - 09/05/2023
  • Start-up française spécialisée dans la production de protéines à base d'insectes, lancée il y a sept ans.
  • La technologie d'Innovafeed utilise la mouche soldat noire (Hermetia illucens) pour créer des protéines animales et végétales.
  • Innovafeed a levé jusqu'à 450 millions d'euros auprès d'investisseurs, dont les géants américains de l'agroalimentaire Cargill et Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM), le fonds du Qatar et les Mulliez.
  • La mouche soldat noire utilisée par Innovafeed peut multiplier son poids par 10 000 en seulement deux semaines.
  • L'entreprise a sécurisé un milliard d'euros de contrats d'ici à 2030.
  • Innovafeed a investi 25 millions d'euros dans l'extension de son site de Nesle, qui devrait atteindre plus de 50 000 m2 de surface plancher une fois terminée.
  • Innovafeed prévoit de reproduire son modèle en Illinois, aux États-Unis, avec l'ouverture d'une usine en 2024.
Ynsect se restructure pour atteindre plus vite la rentabilité - 17/04/2023
  • Chiffre d'affaires 2021: 17,8 millions d'euros, Perte nette 2021: 36 millions d'euros
  • Levée de fonds : 160 millions d'euros
  • Capacité de production de la ferme verticale de Poulainville: 200.000 tonnes d'ingrédients par an
  • Valeur des contrats pluriannuels signés: environ 180 millions de dollars
  • Valeur des contrats en négociation: près d'un milliard de dollars
Ynsect continue son expansion en rachetetant Jord aux Etats-Unis - 29/03/2023
  • Marché américain des aliments pour animaux domestiques (100 milliards de dollars, taux de croissance annuel de 4,5%)
  • - Marché mondial des aliments à base d'insectes (400 millions de dollars, prévus d'ici 2026 selon une étude récente du cabinet Arthur D. Little)
  • - 150 millions de contrats signés par Ynsect avant le lancement de sa production.
Agronutris inaugure une première unité de production de protéines à base d'insectes à Rethe - 29/03/2023
  • Première société de biotechnologie française spécialisée dans l’élevage et la transformation d’insectes en farines de protéines pour l’alimentation animale, la start-up toulousaine Agronutis a inauguré le 21 juillet à Rethel (Ardennes) sa première unité de production en présence des différents partenaires (ADM, Cristal Union, Néalia, Bülher, Engie Solutions) l’ayant accompagné dans ce projet innovant.
  • - 14 millions d’euros d’investissement

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Micronutris (MNS FoodTech)
La Freca - Entomovia
Agronutris (EAP Group)
Jimini's - Entoma
Reglo Pet Food
Futura Food

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the edible insect market | France

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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 03/03/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise NextAlim
  • 02/12/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise NextAlim
  • 01/09/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise NextAlim
  • 01/08/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Invers
  • 19/05/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise NextAlim
  • 13/03/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Futura Food
  • 18/02/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise NextAlim
  • 10/02/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise NextAlim
  • 27/01/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Reglo Pet Food
  • 26/01/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Tomojo
  • 26/01/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Tomojo

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