
The e-reputation market is recognized as a critical aspect for companies, with a growing awareness of its impact on business operations. As of 2020, 90% of consumers sought online information before purchasing, with a notable sensitivity to brand reputation influencing their decisions. The French e-reputation market is presumed to have continued growth due to the rising number of Internet users and their daily engagement. 

The management of e-reputation is primarily conducted in-house, with larger companies more likely to decentralize, and marketing, SEO, and e-reputation agencies' pricing varies based on client and project specifics. The GDPR further complements e-reputation management by empowering users with rights related to personal data protection and the right to be forgotten.

Navigating the dynamics of demand in the French E-Reputation market

In the contemporary digital landscape of France, the e-reputation market is becoming an increasingly critical component for businesses large and small. E-reputation, or the online persona of an entity, is shaped by the vast swath of information available on the internet, from corporate sites to social media platforms and beyond. The prevalent awareness amongst companies about the need for managing their digital identities suggests a significant demand for e-reputation services.

In France, a study by Agoralys indicated that over 60% of companies closely monitor their online reputation. Despite this high level of awareness, nearly half of these businesses feel insufficiently equipped to accurately measure their e-reputation, pointing to a potential gap in the market for expert reputation management solutions. When we delve into the specifics, we find that the French e-reputation market has experienced notable growth. 

Businesses in France utilize social networks as a strategic tool to mend and preserve their e-reputation. They engage in varied activities; from around 30-40% of companies improving their image or launching new products online, to approximately 20-25% collecting and responding to consumer feedback. It's noteworthy that French companies' use of social networks for such purposes falls short of the European average, indicating untapped potential for growth within the country.

An examination of internet usage supports the vitality of this market further. With over 90% of the French population using the internet and each user spending roughly more than 5 hours online daily, the reach of e-reputation is significant. Smartphone ownership among internet users in France is near-ubiquitous, and a considerable majority owns computers, while nearly half own tablets. This high rate of device ownership underscores the accessibility and impact of online content on business reputations. The practical aspect of reputation management, which has shifted considerably towards the digital realm, underlies the importance of positive online reviews.

An overwhelming majority of consumers—between 90-100%—turn to the internet for information before a purchase, highlighting the influence of the e-reputation on consumer behavior. In particular, less than 20% of internet users trust brand advertising, whereas they place more faith in the recommendations.

Key Players Shaping the E-Reputation Industry Landscape

The e-reputation market hosts various actors, each contributing to shaping the dynamic arena of online reputation management. Below are some of the main players in this field, as highlighted in the text above, providing a glimpse into their distinct roles and specialties within the industry.

  • Software Publishers taking the lead in E-Reputation tools

    • Google with Google Alerts : As a giant in the tech industry, Google offers Google Alerts, a vital tool for e-reputation monitoring. It alerts businesses and individuals when their pre-selected keywords are mentioned online, enabling them to stay updated on their online presence.

    • Adobe : Known for its extensive suite of creative and digital marketing products, Adobe also plays a role in e-reputation management by providing tools that can be used for creating compelling content, which is crucial for maintaining a positive online image.

    • Hootsuite : A dedicated platform for social media management, Hootsuite helps companies monitor their online reputation across various social networks. It allows businesses to track mentions, engage with audiences, and measure the impact of their social media efforts.

  • Agencies dedicated to online reputation and visibility

    • Web Marketing Agencies like Linkeo : These agencies offer comprehensive web marketing services that can include e-reputation management as a part of broader digital strategies. Linkeo, for instance, helps businesses enhance their online visibility and manage their digital footprint effectively.
    • SEO/SEA Agencies like Primelis : Specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising (SEA), Primelis aids businesses in improving their online rankings. A robust SEO strategy is essential for managing e-reputation since it affects how easily positive content about a company can be found on search engines.

    • E-reputation Agencies such as Digimood : These agencies are laser-focused on managing and improving the online reputations of their clients. Digimood stands out as an agency that provides tailored solutions to monitor, protect, and enhance the e-reputation of brands in the digital space.

Each of these players contributes to a robust ecosystem that assists companies in navigating the complexities of e-reputation. Whether it's through sophisticated software, comprehensive marketing strategies, or specialized reputation services, these key actors enable businesses to effectively manage how they are perceived online, ensuring that their digital identities are reflective of their desired brand image.

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Détail du contenu


  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 29/11/2021
Détail des mises à jour

Sommaire et extraits

1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the e-reputation market

E-reputation, or online reputation, is the reputation, or common opinion, on the Internet of an entity, a legal or physical person, real or imaginary. The e-reputation conveys the perception that Internet users have of such an entity.

The CNIL defines e-reputation as the online image of a company or a person, which develops from information available on computer media such as corporate sites, social networks, blogs, forums or video sharing platforms. This information is visible to all and comes from various sources, which makes the evaluation and control of the e-reputation complicated.

Taking care of its digital identity, by animating and federating a community on the Internet for example, allows a company to develop, by attracting new employees for example. Conversely, a bad e-reputation has the same effects as a bad reputation, it can drive away customers; a bad buzz or a bad e-reputation and the company's activity can be slowed down or even stopped. The difference between e-reputation and reputation is the speed of propagation of information and the scope it has, which is why e-reputation is a formidable tool that it is better to master, because even if according to a 2020 survey, most companies are aware of e-reputation and its importance, few actually know how to manage it.

The contribution of e-reputation is increasingly important in the overall reputation and image of the company and for many industries, it is becoming an essential element. In 2021, there were almost 5 billion Internet users, this figure is increasing every year, and the use of the Internet has become even more accentuated with the health crisis which has forced a large part of the population to train and use it to communicate with their loved ones or to work during periods of confinement. In the years to come and with the importance that digital life is taking, it is very likely that the term e-reputation will disappear as it becomes more and more confused with the "classic" brand reputation.

Liste des graphiques

  • Parts de marché des utilisateurs d'Internet
  • Part de marché des navigateurs Internet par nombre d'utilisations
  • Evolution du nombre d'utilisateurs sur les réseaux sociaux
  • Proportion des entreprises se servant des réseaux sociaux par pays
  • Le marché de la gestion de la e-réputation
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Dernières actualités

Bard, la réponse de Google à ChatGPT - 18/07/2023
  • Le chatbot Bard de Google est désormais disponible en Europe et au Brésil.
  • Ce service est maintenant accessible dans plus de 40 langues, y compris le français, l'arabe et l'allemand.
  • Le service a été lancé dans 180 autres pays (uniquement en anglais, japonais ou coréen).
  • Bard est basé sur l'analyse de milliards de textes en ligne et de données d'actualité à jour, à la différence de son concurrent ChatGPT dont les données s'arrêtent à l'année 2021.

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the e-reputation market | France

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  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 01/03/2024 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adobe
  • 04/11/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adobe
  • 28/07/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adobe
  • 16/04/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Adobe
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