
The global CBD market has grown rapidly, with therapeutic use being paramount, accounting for 42.8% of the global market in 2020. The expected CAGR between 2021 and 2030 is 51%, with market value projections rising from $2.74 billion in 2021 to $49.04 billion in 2028. In Europe, the CBD market was valued at 318 million and is expected to grow by over 400%.

France, Europe's leading producer of industrial hemp, had an obscure regulatory framework, but after 2020, the French CBD market showed growth potential following a ruling by the European Court of Justice that found the ban on CBD incompatible with the free movement of goods. This decision paved the way for the marketing of CBD with a THC content of less than 0.2%.

Navigating the growing popularity and regulatory evolution of the CBD market in France

As we look at the trends and demands of the French cannabidiol (CBD) market, it's important to observe the growing interest that accompanies market growth and the changes in regulations that can potentially fuel further expansion. In recent years, CBD has been increasingly recognized for its therapeutic applications, notably in the management of anxiety, depression and symptoms associated with cancer treatments. It is estimated that the therapeutic segment accounted for around 40-45% of the global CBD market in a recent year, underlining its importance.

France, Europe's hemp-growing leader, with a large cultivated area producing on average between 1 and 1.5 tonnes of hemp seeds and 6 to 8 tonnes of straw per hectare, has been rigorously regulated.

While CBD sales have previously been limited to e-liquids, beverages or food products, these regulations are evolving and the market could expand to other product categories. Despite the country's strong industrial hemp base, French CBD production has been timid due to previous legal constraints. However, the reinterpretation of regulatory guidelines could enable France to take greater advantage of its expertise in hemp cultivation to offer a wider range of CBD products.

Young people, particularly the under-35s, are at the forefront of CBD consumption, with a significant majority of men. This segment, which makes up more than half of all CBD consumers, represents an informed and adaptable market. What's more, a notable majority of these consumers have been experimenting with CBD for less than a year, indicating that the market is still in an exploratory phase. What's more, the affinity of the French public for cannabis - where around a third of the population has already tried cannabis in their lifetime - may help to reinforce CBD's appeal as a non-psychotropic alternative.

Despite this interest, the ubiquitous perception of cannabis as a substance posing a significant health risk, on the order of 7 to 8 out of 10, underlines a potential preference for CBD, often presented as a healthier option. Commercially, CBD has made its mark primarily through e-commerce platforms and specialist boutiques, with hundreds of outlets now established across France, particularly in Paris.

Pioneering companies in the dynamic CBD landscape

When we delve into the CBD market players, it becomes clear that several proactive entities are making waves and establishing their presence. Each of these players, with their unique strengths, is making a significant contribution to this booming sector. Let's take a look at some of the big names who are not only shaping the market, but also revealing the potential and diversity inherent in the CBD field.

  • - Titan of online CBD sales, consolidated its position by recording the highest number of organic visitors in 2020. Operated by Italian company Nature Verdea SRL, the platform offers a full range of CBD products, including flowers, resins, oils, crystals and accessories such as vaporizers. Their dominance in the digital sphere is testament to the success and consumer confidence in an e-commerce approach to CBD products.

  • - Another illustrious Italian company, Ecommerce Space SRL, is the driving force behind With an impressive number of visitors, has reduced its portfolio to flowers, hashish and CBD oil. The streamlining of the product selection does not detract from its popularity, but on the contrary underlines the demand for quality in certain types of CBD products.

  • La ferme du CBD - A discreet key player in Switzerland, GROW QUALITY SA operates La ferme du CBD, which attracts a large number of visitors interested in a wider range of products. The company offers not only flowers and resins, but also CBD oils, capsules, e-liquids and edibles, catering to the different preferences and consumption habits of consumers.

  • CBD'eau and FreshLabel/Elya - Although information on their finances remains unclear, these companies, founded circa 2017-2018, represent the entrepreneurial spirit within France's own borders. Although their activities and production are still in their infancy, their boldness in the marketplace sets a precedent for future exploration and growth within the nation.

  • Cannadora - Cannadora demonstrates the importance of diversified sourcing, with its hemp-based products of European origin finding their way into the French market. This diversity is proof of a healthy import dynamic within the sector, and highlights the variety available to consumers.

The track record of these companies in the CBD market testifies to their agility and the opportunistic nature of the segment. As regulations continue to evolve, these companies are navigating the changing legal landscape, positioning themselves not only in the CBD market, but also in the health market.

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 25/02/2022
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

CBD is the common name for cannabidiol, a molecule found in hemp or Cannabis sativa, but also in other varieties of cannabis, which are higher in THC. Hemp is distinguished by the level of THC it contains. The hemp plant cannot contain more than 0.2% in Europe and in France and is therefore the only one authorized for CBD production in Europe.

To manufacture CBD products, the molecule must first be extracted from the plant. Various products can then be designed like CBD oil, e-liquids, drinks, etc. Flowers and resins can also be sold. Among the most popular products are also cosmetics and food products.

The global market is growing at an extremely high CAGR of 22.2% from 2019 to 2025. This growth is driven by the evolution of regulations, increasingly favorable to CBD. The therapeutic segment with the development of CBD medicine also appears to be a major opportunity for the sector.

In France, the development of the sector isn't as easy, due to the vagueness of regulations. Producers and sellers risk having their merchandise seized and stores closed if they do not respect the French regulation of no THC in the finished product and no cultivation of CBD flowers and leaves, even though the European Union allowed it.

However, the European Court of Justice ruled in November 2020 that the ban on CBD, which is stricter in France than in other European countries, was not in line with European law and this decision should set the precedent in future trials.

We should therefore see a real development of French production, especially since France is already the first European producer of industrial hemp.

The majority of sales are currently made online, with important traffic on foreign sites (Italian and Swiss in particular). The physical points of sale are developing in the big cities.

Liste des graphiques

  • Marché mondial du CBD
  • Répartition du marché du CBD
  • Prévision du chiffre d'affaires du marché du CBD
  • Evolution du nombre d'hectares de chanvre en France
  • Répartition de la valeur économique selon le type de transformation
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Dernières actualités

En Maine-et-Loire, Hemp It explore de nouveaux débouchés pour le chanvre - 28/03/2024
  • Coopérative de semences de chanvre industriel
  • Nouvelle unité de valorisation de la protéine de chanvre 
  • Fondée en 1964, Hemp It distribue des semences de chanvre
  • 150 producteurs exploitant 1.615 hectares 
  • La coopérative vise la commercialisation de plus de 2.000 tonnes de semences en 2024, contre 1.365 tonnes en 2023. 
Hellojoya: Franchises: le marché du CBD en pleine éclosion | Marché du CBD : une croissance fulgurante - 11/05/2023

Vente de fleurs de chanvre contenant du CBD à nouveau autorisée en France depuis décembre 2022. Aurélien Delecroix est le président du Syndicat professionnel du chanvre et fondateur d'HelloJoya. Les premières boutiques CBD en France sont apparues dès 2017. Depuis fin 2020, la justice européenne a confirmé la légalité du marché et le nombre de points de vente a explosé. Actuellement, 2000 boutiques de CBD sont en activité en France. Environ 8000 bureaux de tabac sur plus de 20.000 vendent également des produits contenant du CBD. L'Observatoire de la franchise recense une vingtaine d'enseignes en réseau sur ce marché. La France est le premier producteur européen de chanvre.

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Fresh Label - Mag JAG
Elya - Mag Jag
CBD eau
Le Lab Paris
Green House CBD Shop
Green Leaf HelloJoya
Naturellement chanvre
Tilray Brands
Le Chanvrier Français

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the CBD market | France

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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 30/03/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Hemp It
  • 30/08/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Le Chanvrier Français
  • 30/08/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Tilray Brands
  • 12/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Naturellement chanvre
  • 12/05/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Green Leaf Hello Joya
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