Turnover: EUR ()

Country: France

Founded in 2014, Locakase is experiencing significant growth, with already 29 storage centers in 13 French cities.

The company is experiencing 5 to 7 center openings per year. It caters to individuals and professionals with storage units ranging from 1 to 50 m2.

Financial Data

DUNS: 800727646



Number of employees: Entre 6 et 9 salariés (2021)

Capital: 148 500 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2018 2017 2016
Turnover 131 354 217 519 -
Gross margin (€) 394 917 357 506 -
EBITDA (€) -48 116 67 375 -
Operating profit (€) -53 591 62 213 -
Net profit (€) -64 050 48 205 -
Turnover growth rate (%) -62,9 - -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -36,6 31 -
Operating margin rate (%) -40,8 28,6 -
Working Capital (turnover days) 4 262,2 1 181,8 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 330,2 512,7 -
Net margin (%) -48,8 22,2 -
Added value / Turnover (%) -83,2 19,4 -
Wages and social charges (€) 168 089 100 539 -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 128 46,2 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Commissaire aux comptes titulaire Lionel Mourlin 65

Studies mentioning this company

The furniture storage market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Shurgard Self-Storage
  • Une Pièce En Plus (Safestore Group)
  • Homebox (Groupe Rousselet)
  • Stockerseul.com
  • Locakase
  • Mondial Box
  • Costockage.fr
  • Jestocke.com
  • Ouistock.fr
  • Les gentlemen du déménagement -Franchiseur.
  • Les déménageurs Bretons
  • Coisne Self Stockage Carrebox
  • DMAX

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