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Country: France

Didier FLE is deeply committed to the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language (FLE). From the outset, Didier has always listened to teachers and learners to offer innovative books of the highest pedagogical quality. Their close collaboration with research in language didactics has led to numerous successes and major publications, such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

They have developed classroom-tested FLE learning methods based on theoretical reflection, such as Alors, Et toi, Connexions, Latitudes, Saison, Édito, and the new L'atelier collection. These methods incorporate the 2018 CEFR recommendations, with an emphasis on cooperation and mediation.

the Didier FLE Nomade platform offers over 2,000 free activities and provides unique services for teaching and learning FLE, such as the Vocamémo service for vocabulary memorization, online DELF courses for preparing for the DELF/DALF exams, and phonetics courses for improving French pronunciation.

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